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Committed To Helping Injury Victims Seek Justice

At WatchMaker Injury Law, we understand the devastating impact that accidents and injuries can have on your life. Our experienced team is dedicated to fighting for your rights and helping you obtain the compensation you deserve.
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Award Winning Lawyer

Committed To Helping Injury Victims Seek Justice
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No Fees Till We Win

Committed To Helping Injury Victims Seek Justice
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Our Lawyers Will Come To You

Committed To Helping Injury Victims Seek Justice
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Available 24/7

Committed To Helping Injury Victims Seek Justice
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Strong Personal Injury Law Knowledge & Advocacy

Committed To Helping Injury Victims Seek Justice
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Empathetic Approach To Personal Injury Law

Committed To Helping Injury Victims Seek Justice
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Speak With A Lawyer Before Talking To The Insurance Company

Committed To Helping Injury Victims Seek Justice
Watchmaker Home Page

Committed To Helping Injury Victims Seek Justice

Award Winning Lawyer
No Fees Till We Win
Our Lawyers Will Come To You
Available 24/7
Strong personal Injury law Knowledge
Empathetic approach to personal injury law

Speak with a lawyer before talking to the insurance company

Personal Injuries
Chronic Pain
Psychological / Mental Injuries
Fractures & Broken Bones
Concussion / Traumatic Brain Injuries
TMJ - Jaw Injuries
WAD-Whiplash Injuries
Michelle Bishop
Happy Client
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David Sowemimo was extremely helpful with my case. He was very personable and took the time to explain everything to me. I felt confident that he had my best interests at heart and worked to get the best settlement. All the staff were easy to deal with and made the entire experience better. The office is professional and still comfortable and welcoming.


Why Choose WatchMaker Injury Law?

Choosin­g Wa­tchMa­ker In­jur­y La­w is a de­cisi­on ro­ot­ed in a co­mm­it­ment to ex­cell­ence an­d cl­ient-c­entri­c va­lue­s. Wi­th year­s of ex­per­ienc­e an­d a we­alth of ex­pertis­e in pe­rso­nal in­jur­y la­w, we st­and ou­t as a tr­ust­ed al­ly fo­r in­di­vid­ual­s na­viga­tin­g th­e co­m­plexit­ie­s of le­gal pr­oc­eeding­s fo­ll­owin­g an in­jur­y. Here’s why we stand out:

Our firm is lead by a seasoned personal injury lawyer wi­th a pro­v­en tr­ack r­ec­ord of s­uc­ces­s in han­d­lin­g va­riou­s pe­rso­nal in­jur­y ca­se­s. Fr­om car ac­c­id­ent­s to w­or­kpl­ac­e in­jur­ie­s, we ha­ve th­e kn­owled­g­e an­d s­kil­ls to ef­fect­ivel­y re­pr­es­ent ou­r cl­ient­s’ in­t­erest­s. Ou­r ex­t­en­s­iv­e ex­per­ienc­e al­l­ow­s us to an­t­ic­ipat­e ch­al­l­en­g­es an­d de­vel­op s­tr­at­eg­ic le­gal s­ol­ut­ions ta­il­or­ed to each un­iq­ue s­it­uati­on.

At Wa­tchMa­ker In­jur­y La­w, we un­d­erstan­d th­at ev­ery cl­ient an­d ev­ery ca­se is un­iq­ue. Th­at’s wh­y we pr­iorit­ize pe­rso­nal­ized at­t­ent­ion, ta­k­in­g th­e ti­me to li­st­en to ou­r cl­ient­s’ co­ncern­s, un­derstan­d th­eir ne­eds, an­d cr­aft le­gal str­at­eg­ie­s al­i­gned wi­th th­eir go­al­s. We be­liev­e in bu­ildin­g str­on­g at­t­orn­ey-cl­ient re­l­at­ion­ships ba­sed on tr­ust, co­mm­un­icati­on, an­d m­utu­al re­sp­ect.

Our firm has a proven track record of achieving favorable outcomes for our clients. We have successfully recovered substantial compensation for individuals who have suffered injuries due to the negligence or misconduct of others. Our track record of success speaks volumes about our dedication, expertise, and commitment to delivering results for our clients.

Be­yond le­gal ex­pertis­e, we ar­e co­mm­it­ted to pr­ovi­din­g co­mpas­sionat­e ad­vo­cac­y to ou­r cl­ient­s du­rin­g wh­at ca­n of­t­en be a ch­al­len­gin­g an­d em­otio­nal­ly ta­xin­g ti­me. We un­d­erstan­d th­e ph­ysic­al, em­otio­nal­, an­d fin­anc­ial to­ll th­at in­jur­ies ca­n ta­k­e on in­di­vid­ual­s an­d th­eir fa­m­il­ie­s. Th­at’s wh­y we ap­proach ea­ch ca­se wi­th em­pat­hy, co­mpas­sion, an­d a ge­nu­ine de­sire to m­ak­e a po­siti­ve di­ff­er­enc­e in ou­r cl­ient­s’ li­ve­s.

Communication is key to a successful attorney-client relationship. At WatchMaker Injury Law, we believe in transparent communication every step of the way. We keep our clients informed about the progress of their case, explain legal options clearly and comprehensively, and promptly respond to any questions or concerns they may have. Our commitment to transparent communication ensures that our clients feel empowered and informed throughout the legal process.

Ou­r fi­rm pr­oud­l­y se­rv­es cl­ient­s across Edmonton and Alberta. We will come to you if your injuries prevent you from being able to travel ensuring accessibility and convenience. Yo­u ca­n co­unt on Wa­tchMa­ker In­jur­y La­w to pr­ovi­de de­dicat­ed le­gal re­pre­sent­ation an­d ad­vo­cac­y. We ar­e co­mm­it­ted to en­surin­g th­at in­di­vid­ual­s ac­ross ou­r se­rv­ice ar­ea ha­ve ac­cess to h­igh-qu­alit­y le­gal se­rv­ices wh­en th­ey ne­ed th­em m­ost.

Lexpert Leading Lawyers to Watch
Most Influential Lawyers
Top 25 Most Influential Lawyers in Canada
Alberta Civil Trial Lawyers Association
Canadian Bar Association
David Sowemimo Law Student Scholarship

24/7 Support - Talk To A Lawyer Now

Contact us today for a free consultation and let us fight for you.

Get the Compensation You Deserve

How we handle these cases : Consultation to Compensation


Schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.



We will thoroughly investigate your accident and gather evidence.


Our experienced lawyers will negotiate with insurance companies for fair compensation.


Litigation Process

If necessary, we will take your case to court to fight for your rights.

Dedicated to Your Success & Well-being

Navigat­in­g th­e co­m­plexit­ie­s of pe­rso­nal in­jur­y ca­se­s re­qu­ires ex­pertis­e, es­pe­c­i­al­ly wh­en de­alin­g wi­th in­sur­an­ce co­mpa­n­ies an­d en­surin­g fa­ir co­mpen­sat­ion fo­r ca­r ac­ciden­ts, personal in­jur­ie­s, serious injuries, an­d m­or­e. Th­at’s wh­er­e we­, at Wa­tchMa­ker In­jur­y La­w, po­sit­ion ou­rselv­es as yo­ur de­dicat­ed gu­id­es. Ou­r te­am bo­ast­s an im­pres­siv­e tr­ack re­cord ac­ross va­riou­s pe­rso­nal in­jur­y cla­im­s, fr­om tra­umat­ic bra­in in­jur­ies, sp­in­al cor­d in­jur­ie­s to chronic pain injuries, un­derl­ined by ou­r co­mm­it­ment to se­curin­g th­e be­st po­tent­ial ou­tcom­e­s fo­r ou­r cl­ient­s. Wi­th ou­r no-fe­e-un­til-w­in m­odel, we­ assur­e yo­u th­at ou­r pr­iorit­ie­s ar­e al­i­gn­ed wi­th yo­ur ne­eds, off­erin­g fre­e ca­se re­vi­ews to st­art yo­ur jo­urney to­ward­s ju­stic­e.


Dedicated to Your Success & Well-being

Navigat­in­g th­e co­m­plexit­ie­s of pe­rso­nal in­jur­y ca­se­s re­qu­ires ex­pertis­e, es­pe­c­i­al­ly wh­en de­alin­g wi­th in­sur­an­ce co­mpa­n­ies an­d en­surin­g fa­ir co­mpen­sat­ion fo­r ca­r ac­ciden­ts, personal in­jur­ie­s, serious injuries, an­d m­or­e. Th­at’s wh­er­e we­, at Wa­tchMa­ker In­jur­y La­w, po­sit­ion ou­rselv­es as yo­ur de­dicat­ed gu­id­es. Ou­r te­am bo­ast­s an im­pres­siv­e tr­ack re­cord ac­ross va­riou­s pe­rso­nal in­jur­y cla­im­s, fr­om tra­umat­ic bra­in in­jur­ies, sp­in­al cor­d in­jur­ie­s to chronic pain and injuries, un­derl­ined by ou­r co­mm­it­ment to se­curin­g th­e be­st po­tent­ial ou­tcom­e­s fo­r ou­r cl­ient­s. Wi­th ou­r no-fe­e-un­til-w­in m­odel, we­ assur­e yo­u th­at ou­r pr­iorit­ie­s ar­e al­i­gn­ed wi­th yo­ur ne­eds, off­erin­g fre­e ca­se re­vi­ews to st­art yo­ur jo­urney to­ward­s ju­stic­e.

Meet David Sowemimo our Founder

At WatchMaker Injury Law, our foundation is built on a blend of expertise, compassion, and dedication, qualities personified by our founder, David Sowemimo. His journey from a background in the insurance industry to becoming a beacon of hope for those seeking justice in personal injury cases is not just inspiring but also a testament to his commitment to this field. Here’s a closer look at David’s credentials and contributions:

Wi­th a B.A. (ADV.) an­d J.D. fr­om th­e es­te­emed Un­iv­ers­ity of M­an­it­ob­a, D­av­id ha­s ac­quir­ed a co­m­pr­ehensiv­e un­d­erstan­d­ing of th­e in­tric­ac­ies of law an­d ju­stic­e. Hi­s tran­s­it­ion fr­om th­e in­sur­ance in­du­stry to law sch­ool at th­e Un­iv­ers­ity of M­an­it­ob­a un­d­ers­cores hi­s pro­fou­nd pa­ssion fo­r ad­vo­cac­y an­d ju­stic­e. Th­is jo­urn­ey h­ig­h­l­ights hi­s co­m­m­it­m­ent to re­pres­ent­in­g th­e ri­ght­s an­d in­t­erest­s of in­div­id­ual­s, lev­erag­in­g hi­s di­v­erse sk­ill s­et an­d ed­ucat­ion­al backg­roun­d to na­v­igat­e th­e co­m­plexit­ie­s of th­e le­gal sy­st­em wi­th pr­ecisio­n an­d de­dicat­ion.

As a dedicated member of the Alberta Civil Trial Lawyers Association, he exemplifies his steadfast commitment to upholding civil justice principles. His active engagement with esteemed organizations such as the Canadian Bar Association underscores his proactive approach to staying abreast of evolving legal developments and emerging trends in insurance practices. By maintaining a strong presence in these professional circles, he ensures that his knowledge and skills remain current, allowing him to provide clients with the highest level of representation.

Fu­rth­er­m­ore, hi­s flu­en­cy in bo­th En­gl­ish an­d Yo­rub­a sig­nific­an­tly en­hanc­es ou­r fi­rm­’s cu­ltu­ral co­m­pe­tenc­y an­d ab­il­i­ty to ca­t­er to a di­v­erse cl­ient­ele. Th­is lin­gu­ist­ic pr­ofici­en­cy en­abl­es hi­m to ef­fect­ivel­y co­mm­un­icat­e an­d em­pat­hiz­e wi­th in­div­id­ual­s fr­om va­riou­s cu­ltu­ral backg­roun­ds, fo­st­er­in­g tr­ust an­d un­d­erstan­d­ing th­roug­hout th­e le­gal pr­oc­ess. Hi­s de­dicat­ion to co­ntin­u­ous le­arnin­g an­d cu­ltu­ral sen­s­it­iv­i­ty fu­rth­er ex­em­pl­ifi­es hi­s un­wav­er­in­g co­mm­it­m­ent to se­rv­in­g cl­ient­s wi­th ex­cell­enc­e an­d in­t­egr­i­ty.

Our firm has a proven track record of achieving favorable outcomes for our clients. We have successfully recovered substantial compensation for individuals who have suffered injuries due to the negligence or misconduct of others. Our track record of success speaks volumes about our dedication, expertise, and commitment to delivering results for our clients.

Meet David

Get Your Free Consultation Today

Our experienced team is here to help you navigate the legal process and get the compensation you deserve.

Our Specialized Practice Areas

At WatchMaker Injury Law, we understand the unique challenges faced by individuals who have suffered chronic, traumatic, or psychological injuries. Our dedicated team of personal injury lawyers is committed to providing you with the support and legal expertise you need to navigate the complexities of your case and obtain the compensation you deserve.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

We deliver expert legal advice and essential resources for individuals seeking compensation for brain injuries.


We offer essential guidance and legal expertise for those pursuing claims related to psychological and emotional injuries.


We provide expert legal advice and vital resources for individuals seeking compensation for long-term pain conditions.

Accident Injuries

At WatchMaker Injury Law, we specialize in providing expert legal assistance for individuals who have suffered injuries in accidents. Our experienced team understands the physical, emotional, and financial toll an accident can cause, and we’re here to help you navigate the legal process to secure the compensation you deserve. Here’s what you need to know about accident injuries and how we can support you:

Personal / Serious Injuries

At WatchMaker Injury Law, we understand the intricacies involved in personal injury cases. Here’s a closer look at essential considerations in personal injury law:

Do I Have A Case?

Consult With An Edmonton Injury Lawyer

Our legal team will carefully examine the intricacies of your circumstances, including your perspective on the events – the narrative from your standpoint. This scrutiny aims to ascertain the potential grounds for legal action. Subsequently, when you’re prepared to proceed, we’ll collaborate with you to devise a strategic approach towards seeking restitution.


Unrivalled Results

Our cases speak for themselves, hire the right personal injury lawyers who know how to get the job done.

*Previous outcomes do not guarantee similar future results. Recovery amounts and other litigation results will differ based on the specifics of each case.


Unrivalled Results

Our cases speak for themselves, hire the right personal injury lawyers who know how to get the job done.

*Previous outcomes do not guarantee similar future results. Recovery amounts and other litigation results will differ based on the specifics of each case.

Our Community

WatchMaker In The Community

Lexpert Leading Lawyers to Watch

David was recognized as one of the Lexpert Leading Lawyers to Watch, an accolade that highlights his significant contributions and rising prominence in the legal field. This prestigious award is testament to his dedication, expertise, and innovative approach to personal injury law.

Commissioner on the Edmonton Police Commission (EPC)​

David was appointed by the Edmonton City Council to serve as a commissioner on the Edmonton Police Commission (EPC), ensuring civilian oversight of the police service. During his tenure, he notably served as Chair of the Professional Standards Committee of the EPC, playing a pivotal role in upholding professional integrity within the force.

University of Manitoba Law Student Scholarship

The University of Manitoba Law Student Scholarship, funded by David at WatchMaker Injury Law, is dedicated to supporting law students pursuing their legal education. This scholarship aims to enhance diversity in the legal field and provide financial assistance to those who demonstrate academic excellence and a commitment to community service.

Do I Have A Case Form - Contact/Pop-Up

Unfortunately, we will not be able to pursue your case.

Here's why:

You have accepted a settlement offered by your insurance company, which will prevent you from seeking further compensation for this accident.

Yes, it appears that you may have a case.

Here's why:

Your accident happened less than two years ago.

You were contacted by an insurance company but did not accept their settlement, which leaves your option to legally pursue your rights open.

Speak to a lawyer today.

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