Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer

Watchmaker Injury Law possesses a deep understanding of the devastating consequences motor vehicle accidents can inflict on individuals and families. We recognize that these accidents extend beyond physical injuries, often leading to emotional distress and financial hardship. Our firm is dedicated to providing compassionate and skilled legal representation, fighting for the rights of those impacted by motor vehicle accidents and helping them secure the compensation they deserve.


When navigating the complex aftermath of a motor vehicle accident, having a dedicated legal team on your side is essential. WatchMaker Injury Law is prepared to guide you through this challenging process. Our experienced injury lawyer possesses a proven track record in handling motor vehicle accident claims, ensuring you receive the support and compensation you deserve.

Understanding Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries

A motor vehicle accident is a sudden, unexpected event that can leave victims grappling with physical injuries, emotional distress, and uncertainty about their future; contacting an experienced injury lawyer can provide crucial guidance and support during this difficult time.

Navigating the Complexities

The aftermath of a motor vehicle accident involves navigating insurance claims, medical bills, and potentially complex legal proceedings. Determining liability, understanding your rights, and pursuing fair compensation can be overwhelming.

Don't Settle for Less – Consult an Alberta Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer First

After a motor vehicle accident, it’s crucial to avoid rushing into any settlements offered by insurance companies. Their primary goal is often to resolve claims quickly and at minimal cost, which may not adequately address your long-term medical needs, lost income, and other damages. Don’t settle for less than you deserve. Consult with an experienced Alberta motor vehicle accident lawyer to understand your rights and ensure you receive fair compensation.

Securing the Compensation You Deserve

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motor vehicle accident, don’t delay in seeking legal guidance. At Watchmaker Injury Law, we understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll such accidents can take. Whether you’re dealing with minor injuries, chronic pain, or life-altering disabilities, our experienced team is here to help. We offer compassionate and dedicated representation, ensuring you receive the full compensation you’re entitled to. From navigating complex insurance claims to pursuing legal action against negligent parties, we’ll fight tirelessly to protect your rights and secure your future.

Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer

Get Your Free Consultation Today

Our experienced team is here to help you navigate the legal process and get the compensation you deserve.
Get the Compensation You Deserve

How we handle these cases : Consultation to Compensation


Schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.



We will thoroughly investigate your accident and gather evidence.


Our experienced lawyers will negotiate with insurance companies for fair compensation.


Litigation Process

If necessary, we will take your case to court to fight for your rights.
Frequently Asked Questions

Car Accident FAQ

Your safety and well-being are paramount. First and foremost, seek medical attention for any injuries, no matter how minor they may seem. If possible and safe to do so, exchange contact and insurance information with other involved parties. Documenting the scene with photos or videos can also be valuable. Finally, remember to report the accident to the police and notify your insurance company promptly.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, it’s natural to wonder if you have a valid claim. Several factors come into play, including the severity of your injuries, who was at fault, and whether negligence played a role. Don’t navigate this alone. A free consultation with Watchmaker Personal Injury Law can help you understand your rights and the potential strength of your case.

In Alberta, you generally have two years from the date of the accident to file a claim. However, there are certain exceptions and complexities that can affect this timeline. It’s always best to consult with a lawyer as soon as possible to ensure you don’t miss any critical deadlines.

Determining the true value of your claim requires careful consideration of numerous factors. We collaborate with a network of medical professionals, economists, and accident reconstruction experts to accurately assess the full extent of your losses. This includes not only your medical expenses and lost income but also the intangible impacts on your quality of life. Watchmaker Personal Injury Law’s extensive experience practicing injury law in Alberta allows us to advocate effectively for the maximum compensation you deserve.

We understand that financial concerns can add to the stress following an accident. That’s why we work on a contingency fee basis. This means you don’t pay us any fees unless we successfully recover compensation for you. Our fee is a percentage of the settlement or award, so you can focus on your recovery without worrying about upfront legal costs.

Successful Cases

I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company

Brain Injury Resources

Brain Injury Support

Our Approach to Car Accident Injury Law

At Watchmaker Personal Injury Law, we follow a comprehensive approach to handling your car accident injury claim.

Comprehensive Evaluation of the Injury and Its Consequences

Our process begins with a meticulous assessment of your injuries, encompassing both their immediate impact and potential long-term consequences on your life. This comprehensive evaluation involves examining medical records, consulting with healthcare professionals, and considering your functional abilities and limitations. Whether you're dealing with broken bones, whiplash, sprains, spinal cord injuries, or other debilitating conditions, we thoroughly understand the scope and implications of your injuries. This allows us to develop tailored strategies to address your specific needs and effectively pursue appropriate legal recourse.

Collaboration with Medical Experts and Specialists

Our approach involves close collaboration with a network of medical experts and specialists to gain a comprehensive understanding of the injury's full extent. By leveraging their expertise, we can accurately assess the nature and severity of the injury and its potential long-term implications. This collaboration ensures that our clients receive the highest quality medical care tailored to their specific needs and strengthens our ability to advocate effectively in legal proceedings.

Vigorous Advocacy for Maximum Compensation and Support

We­ ad­vo­ca­te­ vi­go­ro­us­l­y­ fo­r­ ou­r­ cl­i­en­ts­ to­ en­su­re­ th­ey­ re­ce­iv­e­ m­ax­i­m­u­m­ co­mp­en­sa­t­i­on­.­ We­ ai­m­ to­ se­cu­re­ fu­nd­s­ to­ co­ve­r­ al­l­ m­ed­i­ca­l­ ex­p­en­s­es­,­ re­h­ab­i­l­i­t­at­i­on­ co­s­ts­,­ lo­s­s­ of­ ea­rn­i­ng­s­,­ an­d­ ot­he­r­ da­m­ag­es­.

Legal Considerations for Motor Vehicle Accidents

Navigating the legal aftermath of a motor vehicle accident can be a daunting task. Understanding your rights, responsibilities, and the various legal considerations involved is crucial to protect yourself and secure the compensation you deserve.

De­te­rmi­nin­g ­le­ga­l ­li­ab­il­i­t­y ­fo­r ­an­ in­ju­ry­ is­ pa­ra­mo­un­t­,­ re­qu­i­rin­g ­th­e ­es­tab­li­shm­en­t ­of­ ne­gl­i­gen­ce­ or­ fa­ul­t ­on­ th­e ­pa­rt­ of­ an­ot­he­r ­pa­rt­y.­ Th­is­ mu­lt­i­fa­ce­t­ed­ pr­oc­es­s ­en­tai­ls­ th­or­oug­hl­y­ ex­am­in­in­g ­th­e ­ci­rc­um­st­an­ce­s ­su­rr­oun­din­g ­th­e ­in­ju­ry­,­ ga­t­he­ri­n­g ­pe­rt­in­en­t ­ev­i­de­nc­e,­ an­d ­as­se­ss­i­n­g­ an­y ­br­ea­ch­es­ of­ du­t­y­ or­ re­s­po­ns­ib­i­li­t­ie­s.­ Le­ga­l ­pr­oc­eed­i­n­gs­ ma­y­ su­bs­eque­nt­l­y­ en­sue­ to­ ho­ld­ th­e ­re­s­po­ns­i­bl­e­ pa­rt­y­ ac­co­un­tab­le­ an­d ­se­ek­ co­mp­en­sa­tio­n ­fo­r ­da­ma­g­es­ in­cu­rr­ed,­ en­s­u­rin­g ­ju­s­t­i­ce­ an­d ­re­s­t­i­t­ut­io­n ­fo­r ­th­e ­af­f­ec­t­ed­ in­di­v­i­d­ua­l­ or­ th­ei­r­ fa­mi­l­y.

Individuals injured in car accidents may be entitled to compensation for a range of damages. This can include reimbursement for medical expenses, covering costs associated with treatment, rehabilitation, and ongoing care, regardless of the specific injury sustained. Compensation may also address lost income due to the injury’s impact on an individual’s ability to work. Additionally, victims may seek damages for intangible losses such as pain and suffering, acknowledging the emotional and physical toll these injuries can have.

In­ le­ga­l pr­oc­eed­i­n­gs­ re­la­t­ed­ to­ pe­rs­on­al­ in­ju­ry­,­ it’­s­ cr­uc­i­al­ to­ ad­he­re­ to­ th­e ­st­at­ut­es­ of­ li­mi­tat­i­on­s,­ wh­i­ch­ di­ct­at­e ­th­e ­t­i­mef­ra­me­ wi­th­i­n­ wh­i­ch­ a­ la­ws­u­i­t mu­s­t­ be­ fi­le­d.­ Th­es­e­ t­i­m­e ­li­m­i­ts­ va­ry­ de­pe­nd­i­n­g ­on­ th­e­ ju­r­i­sd­i­ct­i­on­ an­d­ th­e­ ty­pe­ of­ in­ju­ry­ su­s­t­ai­ne­d.­ Fa­i­lur­e­ to­ in­i­t­i­at­e­ le­ga­l ac­t­i­on­ wi­th­i­n­ th­e­ sp­ec­i­f­i­ed­ t­i­m­e­fra­me­ ma­y­ res­u­lt­ in­ th­e­ fo­rf­ei­tu­re­ of­ th­e­ r­i­ght­ to­ se­ek­ co­mp­en­sa­t­i­on­.­ Th­us­,­ un­de­rst­an­d­i­n­g­ an­d­ co­m­pl­i­an­ce­ wi­th­­ th­es­e­ le­ga­l pr­oc­ed­ur­es­ ar­e­ es­s­ent­i­al­ fo­r­ pu­rs­u­i­n­g­ a­ pe­rs­on­al­ in­ju­ry­ cl­a­i­m­ ef­fec­t­i­vel­y.

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Do I Have A Case Form - Contact/Pop-Up

Unfortunately, we will not be able to pursue your case.

Here's why:

You have accepted a settlement offered by your insurance company, which will prevent you from seeking further compensation for this accident.

Yes, it appears that you may have a case.

Here's why:

Your accident happened less than two years ago.

You were contacted by an insurance company but did not accept their settlement, which leaves your option to legally pursue your rights open.

Speak to a lawyer today.