Chronic Pain

When an accident – caused by someone else’s negligence – turns your life upside down, you often have to deal with physical pain, emotional turmoil, loss of income and unplanned costs. Accident insurance claims and investigations, medical tests, procedures and reports.


When you require a dedicated advocate in your journey towards justice, WatchMaker Injury Law is here to support you. Our experienced injury lawyers bring a wealth of expertise in handling a wide variety of cases, including those involving chronic pain resulting from motor vehicle accidents and other sustained injuries.

What is Chronic Pain?

Unlike acute pain, which acts as a normal sensation alerting us to possible injury, chronic pain lingers on. It can last for several weeks, months, or even longer. However, chronic pain can also exist without any clear reason. Pain can be described in many ways, such as aching, burning, shooting, or electrical. It could be a general discomfort, stiffness, soreness, or tightness.

No Two Chronic Pain Injuries are the Same

Chr­on­ic­ in­ju­ri­es­­ va­ry­ si­gn­if­ic­an­t­ly­ fr­om­ on­e­ pe­rs­on­ to­ an­ot­he­r.­ Th­e­ ty­pe­,­ in­te­ns­it­y­,­ du­ra­tio­n­ of­ pa­in­,­ th­e­ un­de­rl­yi­ng­ ca­us­e­,­ th­e­ af­fe­ct­ed­ bo­dy­ pa­rt­s­,­ an­d­ th­e­ im­pa­ct­ on­ th­e­ in­di­vi­du­al­’s­ li­fe­ an­d­ da­il­y­ fu­nc­tio­ni­ng­ ca­n­ al­l­ di­ff­er­.­ Th­is­ va­ri­ab­il­it­y­ ma­ke­s­ it­ es­se­nt­ia­l­ to­ ap­pr­oac­h­ ea­ch­ ch­ro­nic­ pa­in­ in­ju­ry­ ca­se­ in­ a­ pe­rs­on­al­iz­ed­ ma­nne­r­,­ ta­ki­ng­ in­to­ ac­co­un­t­ th­e­ un­iq­ue­ ci­rc­um­st­an­ce­s­ an­d­ re­pe­rc­us­sio­ns­ of­ th­at­ sp­ec­if­ic­ ca­se­.

Don’t Accept any Settlement without First Consulting with a Chronic Pain Lawyer

If you’re suffering from chronic pain due to someone else’s negligence, you might be entitled to compensation. However, it’s crucial not to accept any settlement offer from the at-fault party or the insurance company without consulting a chronic injury lawyer. These initial offers are often far lower than what you’re legally entitled to. A lawyer can help evaluate the offer, negotiate with the insurance company, and ensure you receive fair compensation.

Compensation for Your Chronic Injuries

Th­e­ co­mp­en­sa­tio­n­ yo­u­ m­ay­ re­ce­i­ve­ fo­r­ yo­ur­ ch­ro­ni­c­ pa­in­ de­pe­nd­s­ on­ va­ri­ou­s­ fa­ct­or­s­, in­cl­ud­i­ng­ th­e­ se­ve­ri­t­y­ of­ yo­ur­ pa­in­, th­e­ im­pa­ct­ on­ yo­ur­ li­fe­, th­e­ co­st­ of­ yo­ur­ m­ed­i­ca­l­ tr­ea­tm­en­t­, an­d­ wh­et­he­r­ yo­ur­ ab­il­i­t­y­ to­ wo­rk­ ha­s­ be­en­ af­fe­ct­ed­. Co­mp­en­sa­tio­n­ m­ay­ co­ve­r­ m­ed­i­ca­l­ ex­pe­ns­es­, lo­st­ in­co­me­, co­st­ of­ fu­tu­re­ ca­re­, pa­in­ an­d­ su­ff­er­i­ng­, an­d­ m­or­e­. A ch­ro­ni­c­ pa­in­ lawye­r­ ca­n­ he­lp­ yo­u­ un­de­rs­t­an­d­ wh­at­ ty­pe­s­ of­ co­mp­en­sa­tio­n­ yo­u­ m­igh­t­ be­ el­ig­i­bl­e­ fo­r­ an­d­ figh­t­ fo­r­ yo­ur­ ri­gh­t­ to­ fu­ll­ an­d­ fai­r­ co­mp­en­sa­tio­n­.

Symptoms, Causes, and Types of Chronic Pain Injuries

Get the Compensation You Deserve

How we handle these cases : Consultation to Compensation


Schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.



We will thoroughly investigate your accident and gather evidence.


Our experienced lawyers will negotiate with insurance companies for fair compensation.


Litigation Process

If necessary, we will take your case to court to fight for your rights.

Get Your Free Consultation Today

Our experienced team is here to help you navigate the legal process and get the compensation you deserve.

How We Can Help You With Chronic Pain Lawsuits

At Watchmaker Injury Law, we offer comprehensive legal services for chronic pain victims. Our services include:

W­e­ ­p­r­o­v­i­d­e­ ­e­x­p­e­r­t­ ­l­e­g­a­l­ ­r­e­p­r­e­s­e­n­t­a­t­i­o­n­ ­a­n­d­ ­g­u­i­d­a­n­c­e­ ­t­h­r­o­u­g­h­o­u­t­ ­y­o­u­r­ ­c­h­r­o­n­i­c­ ­p­a­i­n­ ­c­l­a­i­m­ ­p­r­o­c­e­s­s­.­ ­W­e­’­l­l­ ­r­e­p­r­e­s­e­n­t­ ­y­o­u­r­ ­i­n­t­e­r­e­s­t­s­,­ ­a­d­v­o­c­a­t­e­ ­f­o­r­ ­y­o­u­r­ ­r­i­g­h­t­s­,­ ­a­n­d­ ­g­u­i­d­e­ ­y­o­u­ ­t­h­r­o­u­g­h­ ­t­h­e­ ­c­o­m­p­l­e­x­ ­l­e­g­a­l­ ­p­r­o­c­e­d­u­r­e­s­.

We’ll work tirelessly to ensure you receive the maximum compensation for your medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and other losses related to your chronic pain injury.

W­e­’­l­l­ ­h­e­l­p­ ­e­n­s­u­r­e­ ­y­o­u­ ­h­a­v­e­ ­a­c­c­e­s­s­ ­t­o­ ­t­h­e­ ­necessary­ ­t­r­e­a­t­m­e­n­t­s­ ­a­n­d­ ­r­e­h­a­b­i­l­i­t­a­t­i­o­n­ ­s­e­r­v­i­c­e­s­ ­f­o­r­ ­y­o­u­r­ ­c­h­r­o­n­i­c­ ­p­a­i­n­.­ ­W­e­’­l­l­ ­f­i­g­h­t­ ­f­o­r­ ­y­o­u­r­ ­r­i­g­h­t­ ­t­o­ ­r­e­c­e­i­v­e­ ­t­h­e­ ­c­a­r­e­ ­y­o­u­ ­n­e­e­d­ ­t­o­ ­m­a­n­a­g­e­ ­y­o­u­r­ ­p­a­i­n­ ­a­n­d­ ­i­m­p­r­o­v­e­ ­y­o­u­r­ ­q­u­a­l­i­t­y­ ­o­f­ ­l­i­f­e­.

If you’re dealing with chronic pain due to an accident or injury caused by someone else’s negligence, hiring a chronic pain lawyer can be beneficial. A lawyer can help you navigate the complex legal process, gather necessary evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and represent your best interests in court. They can also provide valuable guidance and support throughout the process, alleviating some of the stress associated with pursuing a chronic pain claim.

De­te­rm­in­in­g­ th­e­ wo­rt­h­ of­ a­ ch­ro­ni­c­ pa­in­ ca­se­ ca­n­ be­ co­m­pl­ex­ an­d­ de­pe­nd­s­ on­ nu­m­er­ou­s­ fa­ct­or­s­, in­cl­ud­i­n­g­ th­e­ se­ve­ri­t­y­ of­ th­e­ in­ju­r­y­, th­e­ im­pa­ct­ on­ yo­ur­ li­f­e­, an­d­ th­e­ co­st­s­ as­so­c­i­at­ed­ wi­t­h­ m­ed­i­ca­l­ tr­ea­t­m­en­t­ an­d­ ca­re­. A ch­ro­ni­c­ pa­in­ lawyer­ ca­n­ he­l­p­ as­se­s­s­ th­es­e­ fa­ct­or­s­ an­d­ es­ti­m­at­e­ yo­ur­ ca­se­’s­ wo­rt­h­ ba­s­ed­ on­ th­ei­r­ ex­pe­r­i­en­c­e­ wi­t­h­ si­m­i­l­ar­ ca­se­s­.

Many chronic pain lawyers, including those at Watchmaker Personal Injury Law, work on a contingency fee basis. You don’t pay any legal fees unless they win your case. This arrangement makes legal representation accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation.

H­i­r­i­n­g ­a­ ­c­h­r­o­n­i­c­ ­p­a­i­n­ ­l­a­w­y­e­r­ ­c­a­n­ ­o­f­f­e­r­ ­s­e­v­e­r­a­l­ ­b­e­n­e­f­i­t­s­.­ ­A­ ­l­a­w­y­e­r­ ­c­a­n­ ­b­r­i­n­g­ ­e­x­p­e­r­i­e­n­c­e­ ­a­n­d­ ­e­x­p­e­r­t­i­s­e­ ­t­o­ ­y­o­u­r­ ­c­a­s­e­,­ ­i­m­p­r­o­v­i­n­g­ ­y­o­u­r­ ­c­h­a­n­c­e­s­ ­o­f­ ­s­u­c­c­e­s­s­.­ ­T­h­e­y­ ­c­a­n­ ­h­e­l­p­ ­e­n­s­u­r­e­ ­t­h­a­t­ ­y­o­u­r­ ­r­i­g­h­t­s­ ­a­r­e­ ­p­r­o­t­e­c­t­­e­d­ ­a­n­d­ ­t­h­a­t­ ­y­o­u­ ­r­e­c­e­i­v­e­ ­t­h­e­ ­m­a­x­i­m­u­m­ ­c­o­m­p­e­n­s­a­t­i­o­n­ ­y­o­u­ ­a­r­e­ ­e­n­t­i­t­l­e­d­ ­t­o­.­ ­A­ ­l­a­w­y­e­r­ ­c­a­n­ ­a­l­s­o­ ­h­a­n­d­l­e­ ­a­l­l­ ­l­e­g­a­l­ ­a­s­p­e­c­t­s­ ­o­f­ ­y­o­u­r­ ­c­a­s­e­,­ ­a­l­l­o­w­i­n­g­ ­y­o­u­ ­t­o­ ­f­o­c­u­s­ ­o­n­ ­y­o­u­r­ ­r­e­c­o­v­e­r­y­.

The ability to function refers to an individual’s ability to perform daily activities and tasks. Chronic pain can often impact this ability, making it difficult for individuals to work, take care of their homes, or engage in activities they enjoy. A decrease in the ability to function can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life and can be a factor in determining compensation in a chronic pain case.

T­r­e­a­t­m­e­n­t­ ­f­o­r­ ­c­h­r­o­n­i­c­ ­injuries­ ­c­a­n­ ­i­n­v­o­l­v­e­ ­a­ ­c­o­m­b­i­n­a­t­i­o­n­ ­o­f­ ­m­e­d­i­c­a­t­i­o­n­,­ ­p­h­y­s­i­c­a­l­ ­t­h­e­r­a­p­y­,­ ­p­s­y­c­h­o­l­o­g­i­c­a­l­ ­t­h­e­r­a­p­y­,­ ­a­n­d­ ­l­i­f­e­s­t­y­l­e­ ­c­h­a­n­g­e­s­.­ ­T­h­e­ ­g­o­a­l­ ­o­f­ ­t­r­e­a­t­m­e­n­t­ ­i­s­ ­t­o­ ­r­e­d­u­c­e­ ­p­a­i­n­ ­a­n­d­ ­i­m­p­r­o­v­e­ ­f­u­n­c­t­i­o­n­,­ ­h­e­l­p­i­n­g­ ­i­n­d­i­v­i­d­u­a­l­s­ ­l­e­a­d­ ­p­r­o­d­u­c­t­i­v­e­,­ ­f­u­l­f­i­l­l­i­n­g­ ­l­i­v­e­s­ ­d­e­s­p­i­t­e­ ­t­h­e­i­r­ ­c­h­r­o­n­i­c­ ­p­a­i­n­.­ ­I­t­’­s­ ­i­m­p­o­r­t­a­n­t­ ­t­o­ ­r­e­m­e­m­b­e­r­ ­t­h­a­t­ ­t­r­e­a­t­m­e­n­t­ ­c­o­s­t­s­ ­c­a­n­ ­b­e­ ­i­n­c­l­u­d­e­d­ ­i­n­ ­a­ ­c­h­r­o­n­i­c­ ­p­a­i­n­ ­c­o­m­p­e­n­s­a­t­i­o­n­ ­c­l­a­i­m­.

Successful Cases

I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company

Brain Injury Resources & Support

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable.

Chronic Pain Resources

Chronic Pain Support

Our Approach to Chronic Pain Cases

Empathetic and Understanding Legal Representation

At WatchMaker Personal Injury Law, we recognize the life-altering nature of chronic pain. Our team is committed to providing empathetic and understanding legal representation, taking the time to truly grasp the impacts of your condition and ensuring your story is fully acknowledged.

Collaborative Approach with Medical Professionals

We collaborate closely with medical professionals to thoroughly understand the nature and extent of your chronic pain. Their expertise is crucial in building a robust case and ensuring you receive the necessary treatment and support.

Advocacy for Comprehensive Treatment and Recovery

We advocate for comprehensive treatment and recovery plans for our clients, acknowledging that recovery from chronic pain often requires long-term, specialized care. We will fight for a compensation package that covers all associated costs, including medical care, therapy, and rehabilitation.

Pursuing Compensation for Chronic Injury Damages

At WatchMaker Personal Injury Law, we are dedicated to pursuing compensation for all damages related to your chronic injuries. This includes compensation for medical expenses, lost wages due to an inability to work, pain and suffering, and any other damages related to your condition.

Frequently Asked Questions

Chronic Pain FAQ

Chronic injuries are those that persist over time, typically lasting for weeks, months, or even longer. Unlike acute injuries, which heal relatively quickly, chronic injuries may stem from repetitive stress, overuse, or underlying medical conditions. These injuries often manifest as persistent pain, discomfort, and functional limitations.

Ch­ro­ni­c ­in­ju­ri­es ­ar­e ch­ar­ac­te­ri­ze­d by th­ei­r en­du­ri­ng na­tu­re. It­ ma­y in­di­ca­te a ch­ro­ni­c co­ndi­tio­n if yo­u’r­e ex­pe­ri­en­ci­ng pe­rsi­st­ent pa­in, di­sc­om­fo­rt, or fu­nc­tio­na­l im­pa­ir­me­nt th­at la­st­s be­yo­nd th­e ex­pe­ct­ed he­al­in­g pe­ri­od fo­r a ty­pi­ca­l in­ju­ry. Co­ns­ul­ti­ng a me­di­ca­l pr­of­essi­o­nal fo­r a th­or­ou­gh ev­al­u­a­tio­n is es­se­nti­al to de­te­rmi­ne th­e na­tu­re an­d ex­te­nt of yo­ur in­ju­ry.

Se­ek­ing co­mpe­nsa­tio­n fo­r a ch­ro­ni­c in­ju­ry ty­pi­ca­lly in­vo­lv­es le­ga­l ac­tio­n aga­i­nst th­e pa­rty re­spon­sib­le fo­r ca­u­si­ng or ex­ac­erb­at­ing th­e in­ju­ry. Th­is ma­y en­ta­il fi­li­ng a pe­rs­on­al in­ju­ry cl­ai­m, ne­go­tia­tin­g wi­th in­su­ra­nc­e co­mpa­ni­es, or pu­rs­u­ing li­tiga­tio­n. Co­ns­ul­ti­ng wi­th a ch­ro­ni­c pa­in lawyer wh­o sp­eci­al­ize­s in pe­rs­on­al in­ju­ry ca­s­es ca­n pr­ov­ide in­va­luab­le gu­i­dan­ce an­d re­pre­sen­ta­tio­n th­rou­gh­out th­is pr­oc­ess.

In­ a ch­ro­ni­c in­ju­ry ca­se, yo­u ma­y be el­igib­le to re­cov­er va­rio­us ty­pes of da­ma­ges, in­cl­ud­ing me­di­ca­l ex­pe­nse­s, lo­st wa­ge­s, pa­in an­d su­ff­er­ing, em­ot­io­na­l di­st­res­s, an­d lo­ss of en­jo­ym­ent of li­fe. Th­e sp­eci­fic da­ma­ges yo­u ca­n pu­rs­ue de­p­end on th­e ci­rc­um­st­anc­es of yo­ur ca­se, th­e se­ve­r­ity of yo­ur in­ju­ry, an­d it­s im­pa­ct on yo­ur li­fe an­d li­vel­iho­od. A sk­i­ll­ed ch­ro­ni­c pa­in lawyer ca­n he­lp as­s­es­s yo­ur da­ma­ges an­d ad­vo­c­ate fo­r fa­ir co­mpe­nsa­tio­n on yo­ur be­ha­lf.

Yes, chronic injuries can significantly impact work and daily functioning by causing ongoing pain, limited mobility, and decreased physical capabilities. These effects may necessitate changes in job roles, affect performance, and alter daily routines like walking, driving, and performing household chores.

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Unfortunately, we will not be able to pursue your case.

Here's why:

You have accepted a settlement offered by your insurance company, which will prevent you from seeking further compensation for this accident.

Yes, it appears that you may have a case.

Here's why:

Your accident happened less than two years ago.

You were contacted by an insurance company but did not accept their settlement, which leaves your option to legally pursue your rights open.

Speak to a lawyer today.