Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Edmonton

At Watchmaker Injury Law, we recognize the unique vulnerability of motorcyclists on Edmonton’s roads. The exposed nature of riding a motorcycle means that even minor accidents can result in catastrophic injuries. We understand the devastating consequences these accidents can have – not only the physical pain and suffering but also the emotional trauma and financial burden they place on riders and their families. Our firm is committed to providing compassionate and focused legal representation to motorcycle accident victims, fighting tirelessly to protect their rights and secure the full compensation they deserve.


Motorcycle accidents present unique legal challenges. From combating biases against riders to navigating complex insurance claims, you need an experienced lawyer who understands the intricacies of motorcycle accident law. At Watchmaker Injury Law, our dedicated team has a proven track record in handling these specific cases. We’ll meticulously investigate the accident, build a strong case on your behalf, and negotiate aggressively with insurance companies to ensure you receive the maximum compensation possible. 

Understanding Motorcycle Accident Injuries

A motorcycle accident can be a life-altering experience, leaving riders with severe injuries, emotional trauma, and a long road to recovery. The physical pain, financial burdens, and uncertainty about the future can be overwhelming. At Watchmaker Injury Law, we understand the unique challenges faced by motorcycle accident victims. We offer compassionate and experienced legal support to guide you through this difficult time, fighting for your rights and helping you secure the compensation you need to rebuild your life.

Navigating the Complexities

Motorcycle accidents often result in catastrophic injuries, making the claims process complex and challenging. Victims face unique difficulties in determining fault, understanding their rights, and pursuing the compensation they deserve. Watchmaker Injury Law can guide you through this challenging time, fighting tirelessly to ensure you receive the full and fair compensation you need to focus on your recovery and rebuild your life.

Get the Settlement You Deserve – Consult an Alberta Motorcycle Accident Lawyer First

In the aftermath of a motorcycle accident, the focus should be on your recovery and well-being. It’s crucial to avoid hasty settlements from insurance companies who may not fully grasp the severity of your injuries or the long-term impact on your life. Motorcycle accident injuries are often complex and require experienced injury law knowledge to secure the full compensation you deserve. Don’t navigate this alone. Consult with an experienced Alberta motorcycle accident lawyer to understand your rights and focus on your rehabilitation while we fight for the justice and compensation you need to move forward.

Securing the Compensation You Deserve

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident, we understand the immense physical, emotional, and financial toll this can take on your family. Motorcycle accidents often result in serious injuries such as broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and extensive road rash. During this incredibly challenging time, you shouldn’t have to face the legal complexities alone. At Watchmaker Injury Law, our compassionate team is here to guide you every step of the way. We’ll handle all legal matters, allowing you to focus on your family’s well-being and recovery. We’ll fight tirelessly to secure the compensation your loved one deserves, covering medical expenses, lost income, rehabilitation costs, and the profound impact on your lives.

Get Your Free Consultation Today

Our experienced team is here to help you navigate the legal process and get the compensation you deserve.
Get the Compensation You Deserve

How we handle these cases : Consultation to Compensation


Schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.



We will thoroughly investigate your accident and gather evidence.


Our experienced lawyers will negotiate with insurance companies for fair compensation.


Litigation Process

If necessary, we will take your case to court to fight for your rights.
Frequently Asked Questions

Motorcycle Accident Injury Claims FAQ

Your safety and well-being are paramount. Seek medical attention immediately, even if you believe your injuries are minor. If possible, gather information from the scene (photos, witness details) and notify your insurance company. Importantly, contact a motorcycle accident lawyer as soon as possible to protect your rights and guide you through the legal process.

If you were injured due to someone else’s negligence in a motorcycle accident, you likely have a valid claim. An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer can assess your situation and advise you on your legal options. Watchmaker Personal Injury Law offers free consultations to help you understand your rights.

While the basic principles of personal injury law apply to both, motorcycle accidents often lead to more catastrophic injuries and complex claims. Bikers are inherently more vulnerable, and the resulting injuries can be severe, requiring extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation. This often necessitates the involvement of various experts, such as orthopedic specialists, neurologists, economists, and accident reconstruction experts, to fully assess the long-term impact on your life and build a strong case for maximum compensation. We understand these nuances and have the experience to navigate the complexities of motorcycle accident claims, combating any biases or misconceptions that may arise.

Determining the true value of your claim requires careful consideration of numerous factors. We collaborate with a network of medical professionals, economists, and accident reconstruction experts to accurately assess the full extent of your losses. This includes not only your medical expenses and lost income but also the intangible impacts on your quality of life. Watchmaker Personal Injury Law’s extensive experience practicing injury law in Alberta allows us to advocate effectively for the maximum compensation you deserve.

Even if you were partially at fault for the motorcycle accident, you’re not automatically disqualified from receiving compensation. Alberta follows a comparative negligence system, where the responsibility for the accident is shared between those involved. This means that your compensation may be reduced proportionally to your degree of fault. For instance, if you’re found to be 20% at fault, your potential compensation could be reduced by 20%.

It’s crucial to remember that determining fault can be complex. Insurance companies often try to shift blame onto the motorcyclist, even when other factors contributed to the accident. Our experienced legal team will carefully analyze the circumstances of your case, gather evidence, and advocate for your rights to ensure you receive the maximum compensation you deserve, regardless of the initial fault assessment.

Successful Cases

I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company

Brain Injury Resources

Brain Injury Support

Our Approach to Motorcycle Accident Injury Law

At Watchmaker Personal Injury Law, we follow a comprehensive approach to handling your car accident injury claim.

Comprehensive Evaluation of the Injury and Its Consequences

Our process commences with a thorough assessment of your injuries, recognizing the significant and often life-altering impact motorcycle accidents can have. We delve into your medical records, consult with specialists, and understand the full scope of your physical and emotional trauma. Whether you're grappling with broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord damage, amputations, or extensive road rash, we comprehend the profound implications these injuries can have on your life and future. This deep understanding allows us to develop a strategic legal approach that prioritizes your needs, advocates for your rights, and pursues the maximum compensation you deserve.

Collaboration with Medical Experts and Specialists

Our approach involves close collaboration with a network of medical professionals, including orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, rehabilitation specialists, and pain management experts, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the injury's full extent. We also work closely with economists and accident reconstruction experts to accurately assess the long-term financial and functional implications of the injury. This multi-disciplinary approach ensures that our clients receive the highest quality, specialized medical care and that we can effectively advocate for their rights, securing the compensation they deserve to cover both current and future needs.

Vigorous Advocacy for Maximum Compensation and Support

We­ ad­vo­ca­te­ vi­go­ro­us­l­y­ fo­r­ ou­r­ cl­i­en­ts­ to­ en­su­re­ th­ey­ re­ce­iv­e­ m­ax­i­m­u­m­ co­mp­en­sa­t­i­on­.­ We­ ai­m­ to­ se­cu­re­ fu­nd­s­ to­ co­ve­r­ al­l­ m­ed­i­ca­l­ ex­p­en­s­es­,­ re­h­ab­i­l­i­t­at­i­on­ co­s­ts­,­ lo­s­s­ of­ ea­rn­i­ng­s­,­ an­d­ ot­he­r­ da­m­ag­es­.

Legal Considerations for Motorcycle Accidents

Navigating the legal aftermath of a motorcycle accident can be a daunting task. Understanding your rights, responsibilities, and the various legal considerations involved is crucial to protect yourself and secure the compensation you deserve.

Determining legal liability after a motorcycle accident is paramount, and requires establishing negligence or fault on the part of another party. However, motorcyclists often face biases and misconceptions that can unfairly influence the determination of fault. We understand these challenges and will thoroughly examine the circumstances surrounding your accident, gather pertinent evidence, and rigorously assess any breaches of duty or responsibilities to build a strong case on your behalf. Legal proceedings may subsequently ensue to hold the responsible party accountable and seek compensation for damages incurred, ensuring justice and restitution for you and your family.

Motorcycle accidents often result in severe injuries, leading to substantial financial and emotional burdens. Victims may be entitled to a range of damages, including pecuniary damages to cover the tangible costs of medical care, rehabilitation, lost income, and other out-of-pocket expenses. Additionally, non-pecuniary damages may be pursued to address the intangible losses, such as pain and suffering, diminished quality of life, and the impact on personal relationships. Our dedicated legal team is committed to meticulously evaluating your case, advocating for your rights, and pursuing full and fair compensation for all damages incurred.

In­ le­ga­l pr­oc­eed­i­n­gs­ re­la­t­ed­ to­ pe­rs­on­al­ in­ju­ry­,­ it’­s­ cr­uc­i­al­ to­ ad­he­re­ to­ th­e ­st­at­ut­es­ of­ li­mi­tat­i­on­s,­ wh­i­ch­ di­ct­at­e ­th­e ­t­i­mef­ra­me­ wi­th­i­n­ wh­i­ch­ a­ la­ws­u­i­t mu­s­t­ be­ fi­le­d.­ Th­es­e­ t­i­m­e ­li­m­i­ts­ va­ry­ de­pe­nd­i­n­g ­on­ th­e­ ju­r­i­sd­i­ct­i­on­ an­d­ th­e­ ty­pe­ of­ in­ju­ry­ su­s­t­ai­ne­d.­ Fa­i­lur­e­ to­ in­i­t­i­at­e­ le­ga­l ac­t­i­on­ wi­th­i­n­ th­e­ sp­ec­i­f­i­ed­ t­i­m­e­fra­me­ ma­y­ res­u­lt­ in­ th­e­ fo­rf­ei­tu­re­ of­ th­e­ r­i­ght­ to­ se­ek­ co­mp­en­sa­t­i­on­.­ Th­us­,­ un­de­rst­an­d­i­n­g­ an­d­ co­m­pl­i­an­ce­ wi­th­­ th­es­e­ le­ga­l pr­oc­ed­ur­es­ ar­e­ es­s­ent­i­al­ fo­r­ pu­rs­u­i­n­g­ a­ pe­rs­on­al­ in­ju­ry­ cl­a­i­m­ ef­fec­t­i­vel­y.

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Do I Have A Case Form - Contact/Pop-Up

Unfortunately, we will not be able to pursue your case.

Here's why:

You have accepted a settlement offered by your insurance company, which will prevent you from seeking further compensation for this accident.

Yes, it appears that you may have a case.

Here's why:

Your accident happened less than two years ago.

You were contacted by an insurance company but did not accept their settlement, which leaves your option to legally pursue your rights open.

Speak to a lawyer today.