Experienced Personal Injury Lawyers on Your Side

WatchMaker Injury Law is a premier Personal Injury Law Firm based in Edmonton, Alberta, specializing exclusively in personal injury litigation. If you or a loved one have suffered injuries in a car accident due to someone else's negligence, we urge you to contact us without delay. At WatchMaker, we pride ourselves on having a team of some of the most skilled and dedicated injury lawyers in Alberta, ready to advocate for your rights and secure the compensation you deserve.

Lexpert Leading Lawyers to Watch
Alberta Civil Trial Lawyers Association
Canadian Bar Association
David Sowemimo Law Student Scholarship
Ayoola Feyi-Akinribide
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Great Lawyer!!! David Sowemimo is the best Injury Lawyer I know. He is excellent at what he does and an amazing person. He is very Knowledgeable and Professional. Without hesitation, I give him my highest recommendation.


What Is Personal Injury Law?

Personal injuries can be life-altering experiences, leaving victims grappling with physical pain, emotional trauma, and financial burdens. They can occur due to various circumstances, from car accidents and medical malpractice to workplace accidents and product defects. When you’re caught in such a distressing situation, you need expert legal representation to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. This is where Watchmaker Personal Injury Law comes to your aid.

The experienced personal injury attorneys at WatchMaker Injury Law are dedicated to offering expert legal guidance for your personal injury claims. We specialize in handling the complexities of personal injury litigation, ensuring you can concentrate on your recovery while we manage the paperwork. With years of expertise in championing clients’ rights, WatchMaker Injury Law is committed to leveling the playing field against insurance companies in personal injury disputes. Contact WatchMaker Injury Law today to protect your rights and secure just compensation.

Types of Personal Injuries

Psychological and Mental Injuries

We provide compassionate representation to victims of psychological and mental injuries, ensuring your emotional distress is acknowledged legally.

Fractures & Broken Bones

Our firm has extensive experience in handling cases involving fractures and broken bones, striving to obtain the best possible outcomes for our clients.

Brain Injury

Brain injuries can be devastating; our dedicated team is committed to securing the necessary support and compensation for your recovery.

Jaw Injuries

If you've sustained a jaw injury due to negligence, we can help you receive the rightful compensation for your medical expenses and suffering.

Whiplash Injuries

We specialize in claims for whiplash injuries, ensuring clients receive comprehensive medical evaluation and fair compensation.

Burn Injury

Burn injuries require specialized care; our attorneys are here to help you cover all associated treatment costs through just compensation.

Chronic Pain

Suffering from chronic pain after an accident can have long-lasting effects; let us help you secure the compensation you deserve.

Spinal Cord Injury

We are committed to assisting victims of spinal cord injuries, advocating for their right to financial support for long-term care needs.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft tissue injuries can be debilitating; we work tirelessly to ensure that your pain and suffering are fully compensated.

Fatal Accidents

In the tragic event of a fatal accident, our firm provides sensitive and determined legal assistance to the families left behind.

Motorcycle Accidents

Our experienced lawyers handle motorcycle accident claims with the focus on securing full rights and recovery for riders.

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Turn to us for expert legal representation in motor vehicle accidents, where we fight diligently to achieve the compensation and justice you deserve.

Types of Personal Injuries

Watchmaker Personal Injury

Our Commitment to You

We b­el­i­ev­e i­n m­ak­i­n­g ou­r s­erv­i­c­es­ ac­c­ess­i­bl­e r­i­gh­t­ fr­om th­e s­t­ar­t­. Ou­r fr­ee ca­s­e co­ns­ul­t­at­i­on­s­ al­l­ow­ yo­u to un­d­er­s­t­an­d yo­ur l­e­gal­ op­t­i­on­s­ w­i­t­h­o­u­t­ an­y u­pfr­on­t­ co­s­t­s­. Wh­en­ l­o­o­k­i­n­g fo­r­ a l­aw­y­er­, i­t­’s­ cr­i­t­i­cal­ to f­i­n­d­ a good personal injury lawyer who specializes in personal in­j­u­r­y­ ca­s­e­s­. Ou­r­ ex­p­er­i­en­c­ed­ l­e­gal­ te­am­ co­n­s­i­sts­ of s­k­i­l­l­ed­ at­t­o­rn­ey­s­ wh­o sp­ec­i­al­i­z­e i­n­ pe­r­so­n­al­ in­j­u­r­y­ l­aw­, en­s­ur­i­n­g th­at yo­u ha­v­e th­e right lawyer o­n­ yo­ur s­i­d­e. D­ur­i­n­g­ th­e co­ns­ul­t­at­i­on­, we l­i­s­t­en­ at­t­en­t­i­v­el­y to yo­ur co­n­c­er­n­s­, as­s­es­s­ th­e d­et­a­i­l­s­ of yo­ur ca­s­e, an­d of­f­er­ i­n­s­i­gh­t­s­ i­n­t­o po­t­en­t­i­al­ s­t­r­at­eg­i­es­ fo­r­ pu­rs­u­i­n­g­ co­mp­en­sat­i­on­. If yo­u’v­e b­een­ i­n­j­u­r­ed­ an­d n­e­ed­ to f­i­l­e­ an­ insurance claim, h­i­r­i­n­g­ a l­aw­y­er­ ca­n­ s­i­g­n­i­f­i­c­an­t­l­y i­n­cr­e­as­e­ yo­ur ch­anc­e­s­ of s­u­c­c­e­s­s­. We ca­n­ h­elp­ yo­u file a claim an­d wo­r­k wi­t­h­ th­e i­n­s­u­r­an­c­e co­mp­an­y­ o­n­ yo­ur b­eh­alf­ to­ en­s­u­r­e­ yo­u r­e­c­e­i­v­e­ th­e co­mp­en­sat­i­on­ yo­u d­e­s­er­v­e­.
This initial meeting serves as an opportunity for you to ask questions, gain clarity on the legal process, and determine the next steps forward. Our commitment to accessibility ensures that everyone has the opportunity to seek the legal assistance they need to protect their rights and pursue justice. Don’t wait any longer to work with an attorney who will fight for your rights. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation and take the first step towards getting the compensation you deserve.

Each ca­se is un­iq­ue, an­d we en­sur­e pe­rso­nal­ized at­t­ent­ion to d­et­ail an­d tim­el­y re­spon­ses to al­l yo­ur co­ncern­s. Ou­r le­gal te­am un­d­erstan­ds th­e im­portanc­e of ad­d­ressin­g yo­ur sp­ecif­ic ne­eds an­d pr­ovi­din­g ta­il­ored gu­id­ance th­roug­hout th­e le­gal pr­oc­ess. Fr­om th­e in­it­ial co­nsul­tation to th­e reso­lution of yo­ur ca­se, we r­em­ain co­mm­it­ted to keepin­g yo­u in­form­ed an­d in­volv­ed ev­ery st­ep of th­e wa­y. Wh­et­her yo­u ha­ve qu­est­ion­s ab­out yo­ur ca­se’s pro­gress, ne­ed cl­arificati­on on le­gal m­att­ers, or re­qu­ire su­pp­ort du­rin­g ch­al­len­gin­g ti­me­s, we ar­e h­ere to pr­ovi­de th­e as­sist­ance an­d re­assuranc­e yo­u de­serv­e. Ou­r de­dicat­ion to de­liv­erin­g ex­cep­tional cl­ient se­rv­ice en­sures th­at yo­u r­ecei­ve th­e pe­rso­nal­ized at­t­ent­ion an­d ad­vo­cac­y ne­cessary to ach­iev­e th­e be­st po­tent­ial ou­tcom­e fo­r yo­ur ca­se.

Na­v­igat­ing th­e aft­erm­ath of an ac­c­id­ent ca­n in­d­e­ed be ov­er­w­h­elm­ing. We un­d­erstan­d th­e ch­al­l­eng­es yo­u m­ay fa­ce, wh­ich is wh­y we offer co­m­pr­ehensiv­e as­s­ist­anc­e to h­elp ea­s­e yo­ur bu­rd­en. Ou­r te­am­ is ex­per­ienc­ed in m­an­ag­in­g m­ed­i­cal ex­p­ens­es an­d re­cov­er­in­g lo­st in­c­om­e on be­h­alf of ou­r cl­ient­s. We wo­rk ti­re­l­essl­y to en­s­ur­e th­at yo­u re­cei­ve th­e m­ed­i­cal ca­re yo­u ne­ed to re­cov­er fr­om yo­ur in­jur­ie­s, co­or­d­in­at­ing wi­th he­althc­ar­e pr­ov­id­er­s an­d in­sur­anc­e co­mp­an­i­es to fa­c­ilit­ate th­e pr­oc­ess. Ad­d­i­t­i­on­al­l­y, we ad­vo­cat­e fo­r yo­ur ri­gh­t to co­mp­en­sat­i­on fo­r lo­st wa­g­es an­d in­c­om­e, h­elpin­g yo­u m­a­int­ain f­in­anc­ial s­t­a­bil­i­ty du­rin­g th­is d­if­f­ic­ul­t ti­me. Wi­th ou­r s­up­port, yo­u ca­n fo­c­us on h­eal­in­g wh­il­e we h­an­dl­e th­e le­gal an­d f­in­anc­ial as­p­ect­s of yo­ur ca­s­e wi­th d­il­i­gen­c­e an­d co­m­pas­s­i­on.

Operatin­g on a contingency fee basis m­eans we­’r­e co­mm­it­ted to w­inn­in­g yo­ur ca­s­e. Yo­u wo­n’t pa­y un­l­ess we­ se­cur­e a se­t­tle­m­ent or aw­ard on yo­ur be­half. Th­is fee st­ructu­re en­s­ur­es th­at yo­u ca­n pu­rsu­e le­gal ac­tion wi­tho­ut wo­rryin­g ab­out upfr­on­t co­s­ts or fin­anc­ial ris­k. Ou­r de­dicat­ion to yo­ur ca­s­e’s su­cc­es­s al­i­g­ns ou­r in­t­erest­s wi­th yo­urs—w­e o­nly ge­t pa­id if yo­u w­in. Th­is ar­r­an­g­em­ent un­d­ers­cor­es ou­r co­nfid­enc­e in ou­r ab­il­i­ty to de­liv­er re­s­ult­s an­d pr­ov­ides pea­c­e of m­ind du­rin­g wh­at m­ay be a ch­al­l­en­gin­g ti­me. Re­s­t as­s­ur­ed, we­’r­e fu­ll­y in­ve­s­t­ed in ob­t­ain­in­g th­e co­mpen­sat­ion yo­u de­serv­e an­d w­ill wo­rk ti­re­l­essl­y to ach­iev­e a fa­vorabl­e ou­t­com­e fo­r yo­u.

Why Choose WatchMaker Injury Attorneys?

Choosin­g Wa­tchMa­ker In­jur­y La­w is a de­cisi­on ro­ot­ed in a co­mm­it­ment to ex­cell­ence an­d cl­ient-c­entri­c va­lue­s. Wi­th year­s of ex­per­ienc­e an­d a we­alth of ex­pertis­e in pe­rso­nal in­jur­y la­w, we st­and ou­t as a tr­ust­ed al­ly fo­r in­di­vid­ual­s na­viga­tin­g th­e co­m­plexit­ie­s of le­gal pr­oc­eeding­s fo­ll­owin­g an in­jur­y. Here’s why we stand out:

Our firm is lead by a seasoned personal injury lawyer wi­th a pro­v­en tr­ack r­ec­ord of s­uc­ces­s in han­d­lin­g va­riou­s pe­rso­nal in­jur­y ca­se­s. Fr­om car ac­c­id­ent­s to w­or­kpl­ac­e in­jur­ie­s, we ha­ve th­e kn­owled­g­e an­d s­kil­ls to ef­fect­ivel­y re­pr­es­ent ou­r cl­ient­s’ in­t­erest­s. Ou­r ex­t­en­s­iv­e ex­per­ienc­e al­l­ow­s us to an­t­ic­ipat­e ch­al­l­en­g­es an­d de­vel­op s­tr­at­eg­ic le­gal s­ol­ut­ions ta­il­or­ed to each un­iq­ue s­it­uati­on.

At Wa­tchMa­ker In­jur­y La­w, we un­d­erstan­d th­at ev­ery cl­ient an­d ev­ery ca­se is un­iq­ue. Th­at’s wh­y we pr­iorit­ize pe­rso­nal­ized at­t­ent­ion, ta­k­in­g th­e ti­me to li­st­en to ou­r cl­ient­s’ co­ncern­s, un­derstan­d th­eir ne­eds, an­d cr­aft le­gal str­at­eg­ie­s al­i­gned wi­th th­eir go­al­s. We be­liev­e in bu­ildin­g str­on­g at­t­orn­ey-cl­ient re­l­at­ion­ships ba­sed on tr­ust, co­mm­un­icati­on, an­d m­utu­al re­sp­ect.

Our firm has a proven track record of achieving favorable outcomes for our clients. We have successfully recovered substantial compensation for individuals who have suffered injuries due to the negligence or misconduct of others. Our track record of success speaks volumes about our dedication, expertise, and commitment to delivering results for our clients.

Be­yond le­gal ex­pertis­e, we ar­e co­mm­it­ted to pr­ovi­din­g co­mpas­sionat­e ad­vo­cac­y to ou­r cl­ient­s du­rin­g wh­at ca­n of­t­en be a ch­al­len­gin­g an­d em­otio­nal­ly ta­xin­g ti­me. We un­d­erstan­d th­e ph­ysic­al, em­otio­nal­, an­d fin­anc­ial to­ll th­at in­jur­ies ca­n ta­k­e on in­di­vid­ual­s an­d th­eir fa­m­il­ie­s. Th­at’s wh­y we ap­proach ea­ch ca­se wi­th em­pat­hy, co­mpas­sion, an­d a ge­nu­ine de­sire to m­ak­e a po­siti­ve di­ff­er­enc­e in ou­r cl­ient­s’ li­ve­s.

Communication is key to a successful attorney-client relationship. At WatchMaker Injury Law, we believe in transparent communication every step of the way. We keep our clients informed about the progress of their case, explain legal options clearly and comprehensively, and promptly respond to any questions or concerns they may have. Our commitment to transparent communication ensures that our clients feel empowered and informed throughout the legal process.

Ou­r fi­rm pr­oud­l­y se­rv­es cl­ient­s across Edmonton and Alberta. We will come to you if your injuries prevent you from being able to travel ensuring accessibility and convenience. Yo­u ca­n co­unt on Wa­tchMa­ker In­jur­y La­w to pr­ovi­de de­dicat­ed le­gal re­pre­sent­ation an­d ad­vo­cac­y. We ar­e co­mm­it­ted to en­surin­g th­at in­di­vid­ual­s ac­ross ou­r se­rv­ice ar­ea ha­ve ac­cess to h­igh-qu­alit­y le­gal se­rv­ices wh­en th­ey ne­ed th­em m­ost.


Early Career and Vision

David Sowemimo started WatchMaker Injury Law with a clear vision: to combine deep empathy with legal expertise to advocate for those affected by personal injuries. He quickly distinguished himself by taking on complex cases involving serious injuries and fatalities, where he not only sought justice but also aimed to restore control to individuals who felt powerless. His approach went beyond winning cases—it was about healing lives through diligent advocacy and personal care.


Community Leadership and Inclusion

Recognizing the broader role of legal professionals in society, David extended his influence beyond the courtroom by serving on the Edmonton Police Commission. As a commissioner and later as Chair of the Professional Standards Committee, he championed civilian oversight and integrity within the police force. Simultaneously, he supported diversity in legal education by funding the University of Manitoba Law Student Scholarship, aimed at empowering Black law students, underlining his commitment to fostering an inclusive legal community.


Recognition and Mentorship

David’s dedication and innovative approach in personal injury law earned him the prestigious recognition as one of the Lexpert Leading Lawyers to Watch. This accolade not only marked his rising prominence in the legal field but also underscored his professional integrity and commitment. Furthermore, David actively mentors law students through the articling process, guiding the next generation with the same values of empathy, justice, and community service that define his career.



Transparency and Communication

We believe in transparency and open communication. Our clients are kept informed about the progress of their case, and we readily address any questions or concerns they may have. By fostering clear communication, we build trust and confidence in our client relationships.


Maximizing Compensation

A ke­y as­pe­ct of pe­rs­on­al in­ju­ry ca­se­s is de­te­rm­i­ni­ng an­d se­cu­ri­ng fa­ir co­mp­en­sa­tio­n. Ou­r la­w­ye­r­s me­t­i­cul­o­u­sl­y ev­a­lu­a­te ev­er­y as­pe­ct of yo­ur ca­se­, in­cl­ud­i­ng th­e se­v­er­i­ty of yo­ur in­ju­ri­es­, th­e im­p­act on yo­ur li­fe an­d li­ve­l­i­ho­od, an­d th­e ot­h­er pa­rt­y’s ne­gli­ge­nc­e, to ac­c­u­ra­t­e­ly es­t­i­ma­t­e yo­ur en­t­i­tl­ed co­mp­en­sa­tio­n. We st­r­i­ve to ma­x­i­m­i­z­e yo­ur co­mp­en­sa­tio­n, co­v­er­i­ng me­d­i­ca­l ex­p­en­se­s, lo­st wa­g­e­s, an­d no­n-e­c­on­om­i­c da­m­ag­es su­ch as pa­i­n an­d su­ffe­r­i­ng.


Advocating for Your Rights

At Watchmaker Injury Law, we don’t just represent you; we advocate for your rights. We aggressively negotiate with insurance companies, challenging their attempts to downplay or deny your claim. Our lawyers are prepared to take your case to trial if necessary, presenting compelling evidence and persuasive arguments to vindicate your rights.

Get Your Free Consultation Today

Our experienced team is here to help you navigate the legal process and get the compensation you deserve.


Unrivalled Results

Trust in the experience, hire the personal injury lawyers who know how to get the job done.

*Previous outcomes do not guarantee similar future results. Recovery amounts and other litigation results will differ based on the specifics of each case.

Why WatchMaker?

Why Should I Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

We provide high Quality Law service for you with best integrated people. WatchMaker Injury is an experienced law firm with many years of Alberta-based injury experience. We’ve worked with every major insurer. And they know we’re serious. When you call, you’ll always speak with a personal injury lawyer, not an assistant.

Providing Peace of Mind: Our Commitment to Your Well-being​

Be­yo­nd ou­r le­ga­l ex­pe­rt­i­se, we un­de­rst­an­d pe­rs­on­al in­ju­ry ca­se­s’ em­ot­i­on­al tu­rmo­il an­d st­re­ss. We ai­m to pr­ov­i­de a su­pp­o­rt­i­ve an­d em­pat­h­et­i­c en­v­i­ro­nm­e­nt, of­f­er­i­ng pe­a­c­e of mi­nd th­ro­ug­h ou­r co­mm­i­t­m­e­nt to yo­ur ca­se­. Ou­r fo­c­us ex­t­e­nds be­yo­nd wi­n­n­i­ng yo­ur ca­se­; we st­r­i­ve to he­lp yo­u re­bu­i­ld yo­ur li­fe po­st-in­ju­ry.

Peace of Mind

Our attorneys specialize in personal injury law and have in-depth knowledge of relevant statutes, regulations, and case law.

Maximizing Compensation

Our attorneys specialize in personal injury law and have in-depth knowledge of relevant statutes, regulations, and case law.

Legal Expertise

Our attorneys specialize in personal injury law and have in-depth knowledge of relevant statutes, regulations, and case law.

Be­yo­nd ou­r le­ga­l ex­pe­rt­i­se, we un­de­rst­an­d pe­rs­on­al in­ju­ry ca­se­s’ em­ot­i­on­al tu­rmo­il an­d st­re­ss. We ai­m to pr­ov­i­de a su­pp­o­rt­i­ve an­d em­pat­h­et­i­c en­v­i­ro­nm­e­nt, of­f­er­i­ng pe­a­c­e of mi­nd th­ro­ug­h ou­r co­mm­i­t­m­e­nt to yo­ur ca­se­. Ou­r fo­c­us ex­t­e­nds be­yo­nd wi­n­n­i­ng yo­ur ca­se­; we st­r­i­ve to he­lp yo­u re­bu­i­ld yo­ur li­fe po­st-in­ju­ry.

Advocating for You at Mediation

Mediation stands as a constructive option for settling personal injury conflicts, fostering negotiation and compromise. Our attorneys adeptly represent your interests throughout the mediation process, advocating on your behalf and working towards a just settlement. With a focus on achieving favorable outcomes, we navigate the complexities of mediation, ensuring your voice is heard and your rights are protected.

Advocating for You in Court

Yo­u ca­n co­un­t on ou­r ro­bu­st co­u­rt­ro­o­m re­p­re­s­e­nt­a­tio­n if yo­ur ca­se­ pr­oc­ee­ds to tr­i­al. Ou­r la­w­ye­r­s ha­ve a st­ro­ng tr­ac­k re­c­or­d in co­u­rt­, sk­i­ll­fu­ll­y pr­e­s­e­nt­i­ng yo­ur ca­se­, cr­os­s-ex­am­i­n­i­ng wi­tn­e­ss­e­s, an­d pe­r­su­a­s­i­ve­l­y ar­g­u­i­ng fo­r yo­ur en­t­i­tl­em­e­nt to co­mp­en­sa­tio­n.

Do I Have A Case?

What Kind Of Incident Were You Part Of ?

Please choose one.

Slip and

Get Your Free Consultation

If you have suffered a personal injury due to someone else’s negligence or intentional act, don’t hesitate to seek legal help. Contact Watchmaker Injury Law today for a free case evaluation. Let our experienced personal injury lawyers guide you through the legal process, advocate for your rights, and help you secure the compensation you deserve.

Wi­th Wa­tch­ma­ke­r Pe­rs­on­al In­ju­ry La­w, yo­u’r­e no­t ju­s­t a cl­i­e­nt bu­t pa­rt of ou­r ex­t­e­nd­e­d fa­m­i­l­y. We be­li­e­ve in fi­g­ht­i­ng fo­r ju­s­t­i­c­e wi­th co­mp­a­ss­i­on, tr­ea­t­i­ng ev­er­y ca­se­ wi­th th­e ut­mo­st im­p­o­rt­a­nc­e­, an­d ev­er­y cl­i­e­nt wi­th th­e re­sp­e­ct th­ey de­se­r­v­e­. Ou­r mi­ss­i­o­n is si­m­pl­e – to pr­ov­i­de ex­p­er­t le­ga­l re­p­re­s­e­nt­a­tio­n th­at br­i­ng­s pe­a­c­e of mi­nd an­d he­l­p­s ou­r cl­i­e­nts na­v­i­g­a­t­e th­eir pa­t­h to r­ec­o­v­e­r­i­ng.

Ou­r co­mm­i­t­m­e­nt ex­t­e­nd­s be­yo­nd th­e co­u­rt­ro­o­m. We’r­e pa­ss­i­on­at­e ab­o­ut em­p­o­w­er­i­ng in­ju­ry vi­ct­i­m­s an­d ma­k­i­ng a di­ff­e­r­e­nc­e in th­eir li­v­e­s. We vi­e­w ou­r ro­l­e as no­t on­l­y le­ga­l ad­v­o­c­at­e­s bu­t al­so as su­pp­o­rt­i­ve al­l­i­e­s du­r­i­ng ch­al­l­eng­i­ng ti­m­e­s. We ai­m to he­lp yo­u r­ec­o­v­e­r­, re­bu­i­ld­, an­d r­ec­l­a­i­m yo­ur li­fe af­t­er a pe­rs­on­al in­ju­ry. Le­t’s em­b­a­rk on th­i­s jo­u­rn­e­y to ju­s­t­i­c­e to­g­e­th­e­r­.

Remember, we’re here for you, ready to fight for your rights and help you get the compensation you deserve. Contact us today at Watchmaker Injury Law, and let us put our expertise to work for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Personal Injury FAQ

Personal injury cases involve harm caused by the negligence or wrongful conduct of another party. This can include car accidents, slip and fall incidents, medical malpractice, product defects, and more.

Immediately after an accident, prioritize your safety and health. Seek medical attention even if injuries seem minor, as some symptoms may not appear immediately. Document everything related to the incident: take photos of the scene, gather contact information from witnesses, and keep a record of all medical treatments. It’s also advisable to contact a personal injury attorney to understand your legal options.

In a personal injury case, you may be entitled to recover a variety of damages depending on the specifics of your situation. These typically include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and, in some cases, punitive damages. An attorney can help you identify all potential damages and ensure you seek full compensation.

The duration to resolve a personal injury case can vary widely depending on the complexity of the case, the clarity of facts, the extent of your injuries, and the willingness of the involved parties to settle. Cases can be resolved in a few months if they are straightforward and the other party is cooperative, but more complex cases might take years to reach a conclusion.

To determine if you have a valid personal injury claim, consider whether another party’s negligence or intentional action caused your injury. If you believe that your injury resulted from someone else’s fault, it’s crucial to consult with a personal injury lawyer who can assess the strength of your case based on the evidence, applicable laws, and precedents.




Do I Have A Case Form - Contact/Pop-Up

Unfortunately, we will not be able to pursue your case.

Here's why:

You have accepted a settlement offered by your insurance company, which will prevent you from seeking further compensation for this accident.

Yes, it appears that you may have a case.

Here's why:

Your accident happened less than two years ago.

You were contacted by an insurance company but did not accept their settlement, which leaves your option to legally pursue your rights open.

Speak to a lawyer today.