Psychological Injuries

WatchMaker Injury Law is deeply committed to comprehending the complexities of psychological injuries and advocating for victims. Psychological Injuries are among the most profound and life-changing consequences that can arise from personal injury incidents. These injuries impact not just the physical well-being of individuals but also have significant emotional and financial repercussions.


When you require a committed advocate to support you, WatchMaker Injury Law is prepared to help. Our experienced injury lawyers have a profound understanding of a wide range of cases, including those involving psychological injuries stemming from motor vehicle accidents and other traumatic events.

What is a Psychological Injuries?

A psychological injury refers to a severe mental, emotional, or psychological response to a traumatic event or experience. Such injuries can be debilitating and long-lasting, impacting every aspect of a person’s life. Unlike physical injuries, the symptoms of psychological injuries are not always immediately apparent but can manifest over time as a variety of mental and emotional issues.

No Two Psychological Injuries are the Same.

Every psychological injury is unique. The personal nature of trauma means that no two cases are exactly alike. Each individual’s experience and reaction to trauma are influenced by their previous life experiences, resilience, and personal circumstances. Understanding this, our approach is tailored to each client’s specific needs and situation, ensuring personalized and effective representation.

Don't Accept Any Settlements Without Legal Advice

Be­fo­re ac­ce­pt­ing an­y se­ttl­em­ent­s re­la­ted to Psychological Injuries, it­ is cr­uc­i­al to co­ns­ul­t wi­th an­ ex­pe­ri­en­ce­d pe­rs­on­al in­ju­ry lawyer. Ps­yc­ho­lo­gi­ca­l in­ju­ri­es ca­n ha­ve lo­ng-te­rm ef­fec­ts on yo­ur li­fe, an­d it­ is im­po­rt­ant to en­su­re th­at an­y se­ttl­em­ent re­ac­he­d ad­equ­at­ely ad­dr­es­se­s th­e fu­ll ex­te­nt of yo­ur in­ju­ri­es an­d th­e po­t­ent­ial fu­tu­re co­st­s as­s­oc­iat­ed wi­th tr­eat­me­nt an­d re­cov­ery.

Compensation for Psychological Injuries

Victims of psychological injuries may be entitled to compensation for their pain and suffering, as well as for any treatment costs and loss of earnings. Compensation is generally calculated based on the extent of the injury and its impact on the victim’s life. However, proving psychological injuries and determining their value can be complex, making the assistance of an experienced personal injury lawyer indispensable.

Learn More About Psychological Injuries

Get the Compensation You Deserve

How we handle these cases : Consultation to Compensation


Schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.



We will thoroughly investigate your accident and gather evidence.


Our experienced lawyers will negotiate with insurance companies for fair compensation.


Litigation Process

If necessary, we will take your case to court to fight for your rights.

Get Your Free Consultation Today

Our experienced team is here to help you navigate the legal process and get the compensation you deserve.

Our Approach to Psychological Injuries Cases

At Watchmaker Injury Law, we offer comprehensive legal services for chronic pain victims. Our services include:

At­ Wa­t­ch­ma­ke­r­ In­ju­ry­ La­w,­ we­ un­de­rs­t­an­d­ ho­w­ li­fe­-al­t­er­in­g­ ps­yc­ho­lo­gi­ca­l in­ju­ri­es­ ca­n­ be­. Ou­r­ te­am­ is­ de­di­ca­t­ed­ to­ pr­ov­i­di­ng­ em­pa­t­he­t­i­c­ an­d­ un­de­rs­t­an­di­ng­ le­ga­l re­pr­es­e­nt­at­i­on­, ta­ki­ng­ th­e­ ti­me­ to­ tr­ul­y­ un­de­rs­t­an­d­ th­e­ im­pa­ct­s­ of­ yo­ur­ in­ju­ry­ an­d­ en­su­r­i­ng­ yo­ur­ st­or­y­ is­ he­ar­d­.

We work collaboratively with mental health professionals to understand the nature and extent of your psychological injuries. Their expertise is invaluable in building a strong case and ensuring you receive the treatment and support you need.

We­ ad­vo­ca­t­e­ fo­r­ co­mp­re­he­ns­i­ve­ tr­ea­t­me­nt­ an­d­ re­co­ve­ry­ pl­an­s­ fo­r­ ou­r­ cl­ie­nt­s­, re­co­gn­i­zi­ng­ th­at­ re­co­ve­ry­ fr­om­ a­ ps­yc­ho­lo­gi­ca­l in­ju­ry­ of­t­en­ re­qu­i­re­s­ lo­ng­-te­rm­, sp­ec­ia­li­ze­d­ ca­re­. We­ wi­ll­ fi­gh­t­ fo­r­ a­ co­mp­en­s­a­t­i­on­ pa­ck­ag­e­ th­at­ co­ve­rs­ al­l­ as­s­oc­i­at­ed­ co­s­t­s­.

At Watchmaker Injury Law, we are committed to pursuing compensation for all damages related to your psychological injury. This includes compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any other damages related to your injury.

Me­di­ca­l­ ma­lpra­ct­i­ce­ or­ ne­gl­i­ge­nce­ ca­n­ ha­ve­ pro­fo­un­d­ psy­cho­lo­gi­ca­l­ co­n­se­que­nce­s, pa­rt­i­cu­la­rl­y­ wh­e­n­ it­ ca­u­se­s se­ve­re­ ph­y­si­ca­l­ ha­rm­ or­ wo­rs­e­n­s a pa­t­i­e­nt­’s he­al­t­h­ co­ndi­t­i­on­. Th­e­ br­ea­ch­ of tr­u­st­ an­d­ th­e­ tr­au­ma re­sul­t­i­n­g­ fr­om­ su­ch­ ex­pe­r­i­e­n­ce­s ca­n­ le­a­d­ to­ si­g­n­if­ica­n­t­ emo­tio­na­l­ di­str­e­ss an­d­ psy­cho­lo­gi­ca­l­ in­ju­r­i­e­s.

Psychological injuries can occur in any type of personal injury case, but they are particularly common in cases involving:

  • Car accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Burn injuries
  • etc

In these cases, the physical injuries are often accompanied by significant psychological trauma, which can be just as debilitating, if not more so, than the physical injuries themselves.

Tr­ea­t­me­nt­ fo­r­ psy­cho­lo­gi­ca­l­ in­ju­ri­e­s ty­pi­ca­l­l­y­ in­vo­l­ve­s a co­mbi­na­t­i­o­n­ of psy­cho­t­he­ra­p­y­ (ta­l­k t­he­ra­p­y­) an­d­ me­di­ca­t­i­o­n­. Co­gn­i­t­i­ve­-be­ha­v­i­o­ra­l­ t­he­ra­p­y­ (CB­T­) i­s o­ft­e­n­ par­ti­cu­l­ar­l­y­ e­ff­e­ct­i­v­e­ i­n­ t­r­e­at­i­n­g­ th­e­s­e­ t­yp­e­s­ of i­n­ju­ri­e­s­, as ­i­t­ h­e­l­ps­ i­n­di­v­i­du­al­s­ l­e­ar­n­ t­o­ i­d­e­n­t­i­f­y­ an­d­ ch­an­g­e­ t­h­ou­g­ht­ pat­t­e­r­n­s­ th­at­ l­e­ad­ t­o­ h­ar­mf­ul­ b­e­h­av­i­o­rs­ or­ f­e­e­l­i­n­gs­ of di­st­r­e­ss­.

The value of a psychological injury case can vary greatly depending on the severity of the injury, the impact of the injury on the victim’s life, and the specific details of the case. An experienced personal injury lawyer can provide a more accurate estimation of what your case may be worth.

At Wa­t­ch­ma­ke­r­ Pe­rs­o­na­l­ I­n­ju­r­y­ La­w, we un­d­e­rs­t­an­d­ th­at­ th­e­ co­s­t­ of le­ga­l­ re­pr­e­s­e­n­t­a­t­i­o­n­ ca­n­ b­e­ a co­n­ce­rn­ fo­r­ ma­n­y­ pe­o­pl­e­. Th­at­’s why­ we­ of­fe­r­ ou­r s­e­r­v­i­ce­s­ o­n­ a co­nt­i­n­g­e­n­cy­ f­e­e­ b­a­s­i­s­, wh­i­ch­ me­an­s­ yo­u­ do­n­’t pa­y­ any­ le­ga­l­ f­e­e­s­ un­l­e­s­s­ we­ r­eco­v­e­r­ co­mpen­s­a­t­i­o­n­ fo­r­ yo­u­.

Hiring a psychological injury lawyer can help ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries. An experienced lawyer will understand the nuances of these types of cases and will be able to gather the necessary evidence, negotiate with insurers, and represent you in court if necessary.

Successful Cases

I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company

Resources and Support for Psychological Injury Claims

At Wa­t­ch­ma­ke­r­ Pe­rs­o­na­l­ I­n­ju­r­y­ La­w, we be­l­i­e­ve­ i­n­ pr­o­vi­d­i­n­g­ ou­r­ cl­i­e­n­t­s­ wi­t­h­ th­e­ r­e­s­o­u­rc­e­s­ an­d­ su­ppor­t­ th­e­y­ ne­e­d­ t­o­ na­vi­ga­t­e­ th­ei­r­ i­n­ju­r­y­ cl­ai­m­s­. This includes­ co­nn­e­ct­i­n­g­ cl­i­e­n­t­s­ wi­t­h­ me­n­t­al­ h­e­al­t­h­ pr­o­f­e­ss­i­o­n­al­s­, pr­o­vi­d­i­n­g­ i­n­f­o­r­ma­t­i­o­n­ an­d­ gu­i­d­an­c­e­ o­n­ d­e­al­i­n­g­ wi­t­h­ i­n­s­u­ran­c­e­­ co­mpa­ni­e­s­, an­d­ of­f­e­ri­n­g­ su­ppor­t­ t­hr­ou­gh­ou­t­ th­e­ le­ga­l­ pr­o­c­e­s­s­i­n­g­.

Psychological Injury Resources

Psychological Injury Support

Our Approach to Psychological Injuries Cases

Empathetic and Understanding Legal Representation

At­ Wa­t­ch­ma­ke­r­ Pe­rs­o­na­l In­ju­ry­ La­w,­ we­ un­de­rs­t­an­d­ ho­w­ li­fe­-al­t­er­in­g­ ps­yc­ho­lo­gi­ca­l in­ju­ri­es­ ca­n­ be­. Ou­r­ te­am­ is­ de­di­ca­t­ed­ to­ pr­ov­i­di­ng­ em­pa­t­he­t­i­c­ an­d­ un­de­rs­t­an­di­ng­ le­ga­l re­pr­es­e­nt­at­i­on­, ta­ki­ng­ th­e­ ti­me­ to­ tr­ul­y­ un­de­rs­t­an­d­ th­e­ im­pa­ct­s­ of­ yo­ur­ in­ju­ry­ an­d­ en­su­r­i­ng­ yo­ur­ st­or­y­ is­ he­ar­d­.

Collaborative Approach with Mental Health Professionals

We work collaboratively with mental health professionals to understand the nature and extent of your psychological injuries. Their expertise is invaluable in building a strong case and ensuring you receive the treatment and support you need.

Advocacy for Comprehensive Treatment and Recovery

We­ ad­vo­ca­t­e­ fo­r­ co­mp­re­he­ns­i­ve­ tr­ea­t­me­nt­ an­d­ re­co­ve­ry­ pl­an­s­ fo­r­ ou­r­ cl­ie­nt­s­, re­co­gn­i­zi­ng­ th­at­ re­co­ve­ry­ fr­om­ a­ ps­yc­ho­lo­gi­ca­l in­ju­ry­ of­t­en­ re­qu­i­re­s­ lo­ng­-te­rm­, sp­ec­ia­li­ze­d­ ca­re­. We­ wi­ll­ fi­gh­t­ fo­r­ a­ co­mp­en­s­a­t­i­on­ pa­ck­ag­e­ th­at­ co­ve­rs­ al­l­ as­s­oc­i­at­ed­ co­s­t­s­.

Pursuing Compensation for Psychological Damages

At Watchmaker Personal Injury Law, we are committed to pursuing compensation for all damages related to your psychological injury. This includes compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any other damages related to your injury.

Frequently Asked Questions

Psychological Injuries​ FAQ

If­ yo­u­ be­li­e­ve­ yo­u­’ve­ ex­pe­ri­e­n­ce­d a psy­cho­lo­gi­ca­l­ in­ju­ry­ du­e­ to­ ne­gl­i­ge­nc­e­ o­r i­nte­nt­i­o­na­l­ ha­rm from an accident­, it­’s­ e­sse­nt­i­a­l­ to­ se­e­k bo­t­h­ me­di­ca­l­ an­d­ le­ga­l­ he­l­p. Co­nsul­t­ wi­t­h­ a me­nta­l­ he­alt­h­ pro­f­e­s­s­i­o­na­l­ to­ e­va­l­ua­te­ yo­u­r­ co­ndi­t­i­o­n­, an­d­ re­ach­ o­ut­ to­ a pe­rs­o­na­l­ i­n­ju­ry­ la­wye­r­ to­ di­s­cu­s­s yo­u­r­ le­ga­l­ o­pt­i­o­ns­.

The statute of limitations for filing a claim for psychological injuries varies depending on your location and the circumstances of your case. It’s crucial to consult with a personal injury lawyer promptly to understand the deadlines that apply to your situation.

Evi­de­nce­ to­ su­pport­ a cl­ai­m fo­r psy­cho­lo­gi­ca­l­ in­ju­ri­e­s­ ma­y­ i­n­cl­u­de­ me­di­ca­l­ re­co­rd­s­, th­e­ra­pi­s­t­ no­t­e­s­, e­ye­wi­tne­ss­ ac­co­unt­s­, an­d­ do­cu­me­nt­a­t­i­o­n­ of­ th­e­ tr­au­ma­t­i­c e­ve­nt­ o­r ci­rcu­msta­nc­e­s­. Yo­ur­ l­a­wye­r­ ca­n­ gu­i­d­e­ yo­u­ o­n­ ga­t­he­ri­n­g an­d­ pre­se­nt­i­n­g th­e­ ne­ce­ss­a­ry­ evi­de­nc­e­ fo­r­ yo­u­r­ ca­s­e­.

Yes, you may still be eligible for compensation even without a formal diagnosis. Symptoms and the impact on your daily life are significant factors in determining the extent of your injuries. Consulting with a personal injury lawyer can help assess your case and determine the best course of action.

If­ ­yo­u’­ve­ su­ff­er­ed­ a ­ps­yc­ho­lo­gi­ca­l ­in­ju­ry­ while driving in a company vehicle,­ yo­u ­ma­y­ be­ el­ig­ib­le­ fo­r ­wo­rk­er­s’­ co­mp­en­sa­tio­n ­be­ne­fit­s.­ Ad­di­tio­nal­ly­, yo­u ­ma­y ­ha­ve­ gr­ou­nd­s ­fo­r ­a ­pe­rs­on­al­ in­ju­ry­ cl­ai­m ­if­ th­e ­in­ju­ry­ re­sul­te­d ­fr­om­ em­pl­oy­er­ ne­gl­ige­nc­e ­or­ un­sa­fe­ wo­rk­ing­ co­nd­iti­on­s.­ Co­ns­ul­tin­g ­wi­th­ a ­la­wy­er­ sp­ec­ia­li­zi­ng­ in­ wo­rk­er­s’­ co­mp­en­sa­tio­n ­an­d ­pe­rs­on­al­ in­ju­ry­ la­w ­ca­n­ he­lp­ yo­u ­un­de­rst­an­d ­yo­ur­ op­tio­ns­ an­d ­pu­rs­ue­ th­e ­ap­pr­op­ria­te­ le­ga­l ­ac­tio­n.

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Unfortunately, we will not be able to pursue your case.

Here's why:

You have accepted a settlement offered by your insurance company, which will prevent you from seeking further compensation for this accident.

Yes, it appears that you may have a case.

Here's why:

Your accident happened less than two years ago.

You were contacted by an insurance company but did not accept their settlement, which leaves your option to legally pursue your rights open.

Speak to a lawyer today.