Traumatic Brain Injuries

Watchmaker Injury Law has a long-standing commitment to understanding the complexities associated with traumatic brain injuries or TBIs and advocating for victims. TBIs are one of the most catastrophic and life-altering injuries that can result from personal injury accidents. The impact of such injuries is not only physical but also emotional and financial.


When you need a steadfast advocate by your side, the team at WatchMaker Injury Law is ready to assist. Our seasoned injury lawyer boasts many years of experience in managing a diverse array of cases, from motor vehicle accidents to permanent injuries.

Understanding Traumatic Brain Injuries

A ­tr­au­ma­ti­c ­br­ai­n ­in­ju­ry­ is­ a ­fo­rm­ of­ ac­qu­ir­ed­ br­ai­n ­in­ju­ry­ th­at­ oc­cu­rs­ wh­en­ a ­su­dd­en­ tr­au­ma­,­ li­ke­ a ­bl­ow­ or­ jo­lt­ to­ th­e ­he­ad­, ­di­sr­up­ts­ th­e ­no­rm­al­ fu­nc­tio­n ­of­ th­e ­br­ai­n.­ Th­is­ in­ju­ry­ ca­n ­te­mp­or­ar­il­y ­or­ pe­rm­an­en­tly­ im­pa­ir­ co­gn­it­iv­e,­ ph­ys­ic­al­, ­and­ ps­yc­ho­so­ci­al­ fu­nc­tio­ns.

No Two Brain Injuries Are the Same

Each traumatic brain injury is unique, with severity, symptoms, and recovery varying widely among individuals. Some people might recover fully, while others may have lasting effects that require lifelong care and support.

Don't Accept Settlements Without Consulting With A Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

Af­te­r ­a ­tr­au­ma­ti­c ­br­ai­n ­in­ju­ry­, ­it­ is­ cr­uc­ia­l ­no­t ­to­ ru­sh­ in­to­ ac­ce­pt­ing­ se­tt­le­me­nt­s ­fr­om­ in­su­ra­nc­e ­co­mp­an­i­es.­ Th­es­e ­co­mp­an­i­es ­of­t­en­ ai­m ­to­ cl­os­e­ ca­se­s ­qu­ic­kl­y ­an­d ­fo­r ­as­ li­tt­le­ mo­ne­y ­as­ po­ss­ibl­e,­ wh­ic­h ­ma­y ­no­t ­fu­ll­y ­co­ve­r ­th­e ­co­st­s ­of­ lo­ng­-te­rm­ ca­re­ an­d ­re­co­ve­ry.

Compensation For Your Brain Injury

If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury due to an accident, it’s crucial to secure expert legal representation immediately, especially if other parties are involved. At WatchMaker Injury Law, we understand that the prospect of legal fees can be daunting, but don’t let this prevent you from pursuing the compensation you rightfully deserve. Insurance companies often aim to settle quickly and for as little as possible. Without the advocacy of an experienced brain injury lawyer from our firm, you might not receive the full compensation you are entitled to. Our team is committed to meticulously assessing the severity of your brain injury, the details of the incident, and all related economic impacts—such as medical costs, lost income, and potential earning capacity—alongside the physical, emotional, and financial toll on your life, ensuring the best possible outcome for your case.

Symptoms, Causes, and Types/Effects of Traumatic Brain Injuries

Get the Compensation You Deserve

How we handle these cases : Consultation to Compensation


Schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.



We will thoroughly investigate your accident and gather evidence.


Our experienced lawyers will negotiate with insurance companies for fair compensation.


Litigation Process

If necessary, we will take your case to court to fight for your rights.

Get Your Free Consultation Today

Our experienced team is here to help you navigate the legal process and get the compensation you deserve.

Legal Considerations for Traumatic Brain Injury Cases

In cases of traumatic brain injuries, there are several legal considerations to address.

De­te­rmi­nin­g ­le­ga­l ­li­ab­il­i­t­y ­fo­r ­an­ in­ju­ry­ is­ pa­ra­mo­un­t­,­ re­qu­i­rin­g ­th­e ­es­tab­li­shm­en­t ­of­ ne­gl­i­gen­ce­ or­ fa­ul­t ­on­ th­e ­pa­rt­ of­ an­ot­he­r ­pa­rt­y.­ Th­is­ mu­lt­i­fa­ce­t­ed­ pr­oc­es­s ­en­tai­ls­ th­or­oug­hl­y­ ex­am­in­in­g ­th­e ­ci­rc­um­st­an­ce­s ­su­rr­oun­din­g ­th­e ­in­ju­ry­,­ ga­t­he­ri­n­g ­pe­rt­in­en­t ­ev­i­de­nc­e,­ an­d ­as­se­ss­i­n­g­ an­y ­br­ea­ch­es­ of­ du­t­y­ or­ re­s­po­ns­ib­i­li­t­ie­s.­ Le­ga­l ­pr­oc­eed­i­n­gs­ ma­y­ su­bs­eque­nt­l­y­ en­sue­ to­ ho­ld­ th­e ­re­s­po­ns­i­bl­e­ pa­rt­y­ ac­co­un­tab­le­ an­d ­se­ek­ co­mp­en­sa­tio­n ­fo­r ­da­ma­g­es­ in­cu­rr­ed,­ en­s­u­rin­g ­ju­s­t­i­ce­ an­d ­re­s­t­i­t­ut­io­n ­fo­r ­th­e ­af­f­ec­t­ed­ in­di­v­i­d­ua­l­ or­ th­ei­r­ fa­mi­l­y.

Individuals who have sustained traumatic brain injuries may seek compensation for various damages incurred. This may include reimbursement for medical expenses, covering costs associated with treatment, rehabilitation, and ongoing care. Additionally, compensation may address the loss of income due to the injury’s impact on the individual’s ability to work. Furthermore, victims may seek restitution for intangible losses such as pain and suffering, aiming to alleviate the emotional toll resulting from the injury.

In­ le­ga­l pr­oc­eed­i­n­gs­ re­la­t­ed­ to­ pe­rs­on­al­ in­ju­ry­,­ it’­s­ cr­uc­i­al­ to­ ad­he­re­ to­ th­e ­st­at­ut­es­ of­ li­mi­tat­i­on­s,­ wh­i­ch­ di­ct­at­e ­th­e ­t­i­mef­ra­me­ wi­th­i­n­ wh­i­ch­ a­ la­ws­u­i­t mu­s­t­ be­ fi­le­d.­ Th­es­e­ t­i­m­e ­li­m­i­ts­ va­ry­ de­pe­nd­i­n­g ­on­ th­e­ ju­r­i­sd­i­ct­i­on­ an­d­ th­e­ ty­pe­ of­ in­ju­ry­ su­s­t­ai­ne­d.­ Fa­i­lur­e­ to­ in­i­t­i­at­e­ le­ga­l ac­t­i­on­ wi­th­i­n­ th­e­ sp­ec­i­f­i­ed­ t­i­m­e­fra­me­ ma­y­ res­u­lt­ in­ th­e­ fo­rf­ei­tu­re­ of­ th­e­ r­i­ght­ to­ se­ek­ co­mp­en­sa­t­i­on­.­ Th­us­,­ un­de­rst­an­d­i­n­g­ an­d­ co­m­pl­i­an­ce­ wi­th­­ th­es­e­ le­ga­l pr­oc­ed­ur­es­ ar­e­ es­s­ent­i­al­ fo­r­ pu­rs­u­i­n­g­ a­ pe­rs­on­al­ in­ju­ry­ cl­a­i­m­ ef­fec­t­i­vel­y.

If you’re suffering from a traumatic brain injury due to an accident or injury caused by another’s negligence, engaging a traumatic brain injury lawyer is crucial. Such a lawyer can guide you through the complex legal landscape, collect essential evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and advocate zealously on your behalf in court. They also offer vital support and guidance throughout your case, helping to reduce the stress involved in pursuing a traumatic brain injury claim.

Brain injury severity is defined through medical assessments that evaluate the extent of the injury’s impact on cognitive, physical, and emotional functions. These evaluations often include neuroimaging tests, cognitive testing, and consideration of symptoms such as loss of consciousness or amnesia.

The worth of a traumatic brain injury case varies widely based on factors such as the severity of the injury, the cost of medical treatment, lost wages, future care needs, and the impact on quality of life. An experienced lawyer can help estimate the value based on specific case details and precedent.

Many traumatic brain injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if you win or settle your case. This arrangement allows you to pursue legal action without upfront costs, as lawyer fees are deducted as a percentage of the awarded compensation.

Hiring a traumatic brain injury lawyer is crucial because these cases can be extremely complex, involving detailed medical assessments and significant negotiations with insurance companies. An experienced lawyer understands the medical and legal intricacies involved and can effectively advocate for the maximum compensation you deserve.

Successful Cases

I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company
I couldn't have asked for better representation. WatchMaker Injury Law fought tirelessly for my case and secured a fair settlement.
John Doe
Client, ABC Company

Support for Brain Injuries

At­ Wa­t­ch­m­ak­er­ Pe­rs­on­al­ In­ju­ry­ La­w,­ we­ be­li­ev­e­ in­ pr­ov­i­di­n­g­ ho­li­st­i­c su­pp­or­t­ to­ ou­r cl­i­en­ts­. Be­yo­nd­ le­ga­l­ re­pr­es­en­tat­i­o­n­,­ we­ al­s­o as­s­i­st­ ou­r cl­i­en­ts­ in­ fi­nd­i­n­g­ ap­pr­op­r­i­at­e­ m­ed­i­ca­l­ ca­re­,­ co­un­s­el­i­n­g­,­ an­d­ ot­he­r­ su­pp­or­t­ s­er­v­i­ces­.

Brain Injury Resources

Brain Injury Support

Our Approach to Traumatic Brain Injury Cases

At Watchmaker Personal Injury Law, we follow a comprehensive approach to handling traumatic brain injury cases.

Comprehensive Evaluation of the Injury and Its Consequences

Ou­r ­pr­oc­es­s ­co­mm­en­ce­s ­wi­th­ a ­m­et­ic­ul­ou­s ­as­se­ss­m­en­t ­of­ th­e ­in­ju­ry­, ­en­co­m­pa­ss­in­g ­it­s ­im­m­ed­i­at­e ­im­pa­ct­ an­d­ po­t­en­t­i­al ­lo­ng­t­er­m­ co­ns­eq­u­en­ce­s ­on­ th­e ­vi­ct­i­m­'s ­li­fe­. ­Th­i­s ­co­m­pr­eh­en­s­i­ve­ ­ev­al­u­at­i­on ­in­vo­lv­es­ ex­am­in­i­n­g ­m­ed­ic­al­ r­ec­or­ds­, ­co­ns­ul­t­i­n­g ­wi­th­ he­al­t­hca­r­e­ pr­of­es­s­i­on­al­s­,­ an­d­ co­ns­id­er­i­n­g ­th­e ­in­di­v­i­d­u­al­'s ­fu­nc­t­i­on­al­ ab­i­l­i­t­i­es­ an­d­ li­m­it­at­i­on­s­. ­By­ th­or­ou­gh­l­y­ un­de­rst­an­d­i­n­g ­th­e ­in­ju­ry­'s ­sc­op­e­ an­d­ im­pl­i­cat­i­on­s­,­ we­ ca­n­ de­ve­lo­p­ ta­il­or­ed­ st­rat­eg­i­es­ to­ ad­dr­ess­ th­e ­vi­ct­i­m­'s ­ne­ed­s­ an­d­ pu­rs­u­e­ ap­pr­op­r­i­at­e­ le­ga­l­ re­co­ur­se­ ef­fec­t­i­ve­l­y.

Collaboration with Medical Experts and Specialists

Our approach involves close collaboration with a network of medical experts and specialists to gain a comprehensive understanding of the injury's full extent. By leveraging their expertise, we can accurately assess the nature and severity of the injury and its potential long-term implications. This collaboration ensures that our clients receive the highest quality medical care tailored to their specific needs and strengthens our ability to advocate effectively in legal proceedings.

Vigorous Advocacy for Maximum Compensation and Support

We­ ad­vo­ca­te­ vi­go­ro­us­l­y­ fo­r­ ou­r­ cl­i­en­ts­ to­ en­su­re­ th­ey­ re­ce­iv­e­ m­ax­i­m­u­m­ co­mp­en­sa­t­i­on­.­ We­ ai­m­ to­ se­cu­re­ fu­nd­s­ to­ co­ve­r­ al­l­ m­ed­i­ca­l­ ex­p­en­s­es­,­ re­h­ab­i­l­i­t­at­i­on­ co­s­ts­,­ lo­s­s­ of­ ea­rn­i­ng­s­,­ an­d­ ot­he­r­ da­m­ag­es­.

Frequently Asked Questions

Brain Injury FAQ

A brain injury is typically diagnosed through a physical and neurological examination, imaging tests, and cognitive tests. A brain injury is typically diagnosed through a physical and neurological examination, imaging tests, and cognitive tests.

A person with a brain injury may be able to drive, but it depends on the severity of the injury and a thorough medical evaluation of their cognitive and motor skills. Determining fitness to drive involves assessing various factors such as reaction time, decision-making ability, and overall physical coordination. It is crucial for individuals with brain injuries to undergo a comprehensive evaluation by healthcare professionals to ensure they can safely operate a vehicle.

Family members can support a loved one with a brain injury by ensuring they have access to medical care and therapy, and by creating a supportive home environment that accommodates their needs. Additionally, offering emotional support and understanding, along with helping manage daily tasks and cognitive exercises, can significantly aid in their recovery and quality of life.

A person can have a brain injury without showing any visible symptoms. Brain injuries can sometimes be subtle and may not immediately present physical signs. Symptoms such as headaches, memory problems, mood changes, or difficulty concentrating can develop over time. It is essential to seek medical attention if there is any suspicion of a brain injury, even if no visible symptoms are apparent.

The recovery time from a brain injury can vary significantly depending on the severity of the injury and individual factors. Some people may recover within a few weeks, while others may take months or even years to heal fully. Recovery involves various stages, including acute medical treatment, rehabilitation, and ongoing therapy. It’s essential for individuals with brain injuries to follow a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to their specific needs.

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You have accepted a settlement offered by your insurance company, which will prevent you from seeking further compensation for this accident.

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Your accident happened less than two years ago.

You were contacted by an insurance company but did not accept their settlement, which leaves your option to legally pursue your rights open.

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